Sentences with phrase «survival of the human race»

But when a billionaire astronomer discovers a planet capable of sustaining life orbiting Alpha Centauri, he plans to build a rocket to transport a small group of people to the planet in order to populate it and insure survival of the human race.
On top of contending with the ever - present zombie threat, you'll face long - term concerns like obtaining sources of food and water, building shelter from attack, and the overall survival of the human race.
If your goal is to enable the long - time survival of the human race, and to reduce potentially devastating environmental risks to society (drought, floods, famine, heat waves, sea level rise, etc) then focusing on global warming mitigation would make more sense.
The combination of the ecological and nuclear threats leads to what is in the most straightforward sense a threat to the survival of the human race.
There is a psychological sense of purpose in individual human mind, which likely evolved by natural selection as a property of the human brain which gives advantage to the survival of the human race.
I could go on and on about how we try to reduce our footprint (breastfeeding, cloth diapering, small family farm, etc.), but my real point is this, however politically incorrect it may be: if people like us don't have MORE children, we will never have a prayer of doing the right things for the survival of the human race.
For me, empathy is an existential question — it's about the survival of the human race
Insure modest gains for the next generation, having great faith in your eventual resurrection rather than selfishly gambling everything on yourself and risking the survival of the human race which is supposed to play a role in your eventual resurrection.
How about a struggle in which the stakes are nothing less than the survival of the human race?
as much anonymity as possible is good for the survival of the human race.
How can we ensure the survival of the human race?
That is a black and white truth there is no way to get around, and no matter whether you're prioritizing — fat loss or your athletic goals — internally your body is always calls the shots with your endocrine system in mind and the survival of the human race as # 1, whether we want to admit it or not, whether we put our intention inward into our body enough to recognize this or not, it's going on all the time underneath the hood.
The fate of the earth and the survival of the human race hang in the balance in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: AUTOBOTS and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: DECEPTICONS for the Nintendo DS.
City planning meets the survival of the human race in an Arctic wilderness, and it's snow joke.
So the Americans and Japanese navies join forces in a fight for the survival of the human race.
Mary (Williams) seeks a bigger world beyond the fenced off village of survivors, and the survival of the human race seems dependent upon her success in leading a ragtag group through the dark depths of The Forest of Hands and Teeth.
Interstellar involves an environmentally strained future Earth and a wormhole journey for the survival of the human race, and boasts a ridiculous cast including Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine, Casey Affleck, Anne Hathaway, Matt Damon, David Oyelowo, Topher Grace and Ellen Burstyn.
Our vision is of a new world of learning based on the compelling truth that improving education is the key to the survival of the human race.
The colony must be protected from the likes of spores which infect the buildings, giant acid - spewing sandworms, and anything else the planet can throw your way to hinder the survival of the human race.
Survival of the human race is at stake!
Set in a near - future not so different from our own time, M.A.T. pits teams against one another in a bitter battle for the survival of the human race.
Fight For The Survival Of The Human Race On A Hostile Alien World In Engrossing Sci - Fi City - Builder
You must protect your colony from everything the planet has to throw at them, and shape the future of the survival of the human race.
Natural resources are scarce and the survival of the human race is in danger.
The game involves a universe where humans battle other races with magic and swords, with the protagonist named Jeff setting out to vanquish goblin dens to clear access to resources that will benefit the survival of the human race.
He is the only hope for the survival of the human race, and if he fails, the war is lost.
Stemming from Jessica's appreciation of a species so crucial to the survival of the human race, the meadow is a conservation art project designed to encourage two rare types of bee, the Blaeberry bumblebee and the Shrill Carder bee.
We venture into a period when we may even need to fight for the survival of the human race on a planet whose equilibrium may have already been perturbed beyond return to a stable state for our existence.
When one examines the troubling contradictions — astonishing cruelty, environmental and health risks, economic imbalances — involved with the business behind and mass consumption of meat, vegetarianism takes on the urgency of much larger debates in which the survival of the human race is at stake.
Some of these policies threaten the survival of the human race.
All of these recycling efforts are positive, but, ultimately, solutions that use less stuff and require fewer moving parts are going to be essential for the Galapagos» survival (and the survival of the human race everywhere, really).
Our vision is of a new world of learning based on the compelling truth that improving education is the key to the survival of the human race.
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