Sentences with phrase «survive turbulent times»

The deal has also raised questions about whether mall landlords, who depend on specialty retailers and the rents they pay for survival, will begin to play a much more active role in helping retailers survive these turbulent times.
Secretary Johnson's speech, «Addressing Existential Threats — Surviving Turbulent Times and Finding a Way Forward,» will discuss how the legal...
After surviving some turbulent times and less than desirable economies, Standard Life has been rewarded and now operate within 13 different states (mostly located in the south east of the US).

Not exact matches

Having been born in South Africa and having survived everything from poverty to riots Nirasha, known as Niri, shelved her desire for writing in a turbulent time to pursue a career in software engineering.
Her two years as health secretary were turbulent and she survived a no - confidence vote in the Commons that was brought because of criticism of the applications system introduced to reduce the time taken by junior doctors to train as consultants not long before she quit.
Managing to change: How schools can survive (and sometimes thrive) in turbulent times.
For more information, see Managing to Change: How Schools Can Survive (and Sometimes Thrive) in Turbulent Times (Teachers College Press, 2009);
On Wednesday, ABA CEO Oren Teicher told Digital Book World attendees that «not only are indie booksellers surviving in extraordinarily turbulent times, but many... are thriving, even recording record sales numbers for the fourth quarter of last year.»
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