Sentences with phrase «susceptible humans»

«Additionally, the development of immune response against WNV may have reduced human cases by depleting the susceptible human population.
A distinct strain of Salmonella Typhimurium, has emerged as a new pathogenic group in sub-Saharan Africa, and might have adapted to the susceptible human population in these regions Continue reading →

Not exact matches

As technological advances such as machines being able to acquire natural language abilities that match median human capability, the numbers and types of activities that are technically susceptible to automation will increase.
McCue says that using human editors (as Apple (aapl) also does for its curated news feature), makes Flipboard much less susceptible to the «fake news» problem that some users have complained about on Facebook (fb).
It's susceptible to bias, and reliant on human instinct, which doesn't consistently find the best and the brightest.
The more important takeaway, though, is that this upheaval is happening at all: even a seemingly impenetrable clubby human interaction - driven industry like venture capital is susceptible to change that, in retrospect, is really quite radical.
Blockchain technologies are capable of reducing the amount of human workers needed, reducing salary costs, eliminating the need for a business to own / rent and operate infrastructure, and making the record of data kept by the business less susceptible to fraud & and manipulation.
You are a human being susceptible to the shortcomings of your very fragile human psychology, and even if you think your portfolio is the best in the world, if you upchuck it during a bear market, it isn't much good to you.
In this set of terms, is it too difficult to believe that the entity called the human brain is susceptible to its Creator's mental nudges?
, or a great number of our fellow human beings are susceptible to comforting stories, self - deception and an inability to think critically.
It is offensive because the human brain is highly susceptible to fear & taboo.
But because such a theology begins with the human quest for the divine rather than with God's own self - manifestation, it is susceptible to the misdirection which I think Percy's later work suffers from.
I believe that the church as an organization is a part of creation and is just as susceptible to the principalities and powers as any other human institution.
The beauty of the inspired Word is that none of the characters except one is very human and susceptible to poor choices.
Furthermore, since even these items that might indeed be susceptible of generalization are realized differently in different types of entities, there is always something peculiarly human about their mode of realization in human occurrences.
In that way he had made explicit the central presupposition founding every form of scientific inquiry, the conviction that reality is rational and to a certain extent susceptible to human understanding.
In contrast to television «s worldview that we are basically good, that happiness is the chief end of life and that happiness consists of obtaining material goods, the Christian worldview holds that human beings are susceptible to the sin of pride and will - to - power, that the chief end of life is to glorify God and enjoy him forever, and that happiness consists in creating the kingdom of God within one «s self and among one «s neighbors.
If Aristotle insisted not only on the objectivity of truth but on the ability of the intellect of man to apprehend it, the French philosophe Jacques Rousseau denied this objectivity by ushering in what Cardinal Ratzinger called the «tyranny of relativism,» which gives the rationalization of homosexuality so much of its philosophical underpinning by arguing that natural law is merely a human construct and, as such, susceptible of subjective definition.
I have suggested that Christianity makes a claim concerning God's activity that is susceptible to analysis in terms of the interpenetration of divine and human structures of purposings.
Human nature is an indissoluble compound of nature and spirit, comprised of one part that belongs to the natural world, and is susceptible to scientific analysis and description, and another part that belongs to a realm that transcends nature.
The facts of order from which the physico - theological argument starts are thus easily susceptible of interpretation as arbitrary human products.
«Catholic theology affirms that the emergence of the first members of the human species (whether as individuals or in populations) represents an event that is not susceptible of a purely natural explanation and which can appropriately be attributed to divine intervention.»
The text, the tradition, the human community, I myself — these are not problems susceptible of technological manipulation only (as indeed they are in the moment of agentic distance), but mysteries requiring unveiling, insight, revelation.
It is a great paradox that nature is much more unambiguously susceptible to human understanding than is society past and present.
We human beings are susceptible to many false influences.
After all, human love is susceptible to all manner of corruption.
Moreover, historical processes deal with the impenetrability and the depths of the human being and are thus even more susceptible to the influence of the perceiving subject than are natural events.
Selective breeding of humans for specific attributes would ultimately lead to less diversity and leave the population more susceptible to epidemics for example.
So he is caught between a rock and a hard place: he can not succeed without fostering in humans that boundless appetite for enchantment that has always made them susceptible to the unscrambled signals of transcendence.
To thrust aside a work of such sensitivity, honesty, perception, to have canceled out its conspicuous merits by invoking a rigid canon which is itself susceptible to much interpretation, would have been to judge ourselves wilfully blind to the contrasts of beauty and ugliness that underlie human life.
Alias, btw, you are far more likely to catch a disease from human fecal matter than dog or cat fecal matter... we are simply more susceptible to our own special germs.
IgA and IgG have the potential to retard streptococcal growth; streptococcus mutans is highly susceptible to the bactericidal action of lactoferrin, a major component of human milk.9, 10 Rugg - Gunn reported that cariogenic bacteria may not be able to utilize lactose, the sugar found in breastmilk, as readily as sucrose.8 Confirming the findings of other researchers, this author has evaluated approximately 600 skulls to find little evidence of problems with dental decay among our prehistoric breastfed ancestors.11, 12,13,14,15
Human beings are amoral at best and are susceptible to the conditions of the environments in which they find themselves.
A coalition of human rights groups, including Amnesty International, Liberty and Privacy International wrote to the home secretary saying: «We are very concerned that new measures, made in good faith but in a heated political environment, will overextend powers in ways that would be susceptible to abuse, restrict legitimate, free communication and expression and undermine people's privacy.»
According to the NDP, «we are keeping a voters register fraught with many controversies and susceptible to all forms of human ruse and sleight of hand» insisting that «an insertion of scanned staple pin - marked still pictures into the register is irregular, illegal and unconscionable by the EC's own regulation (voter registration) CI 72.»
If humans are similarly susceptible, astronauts on voyages to Mars could suffer permanent cognitive impairment that could hinder their abilities to recall information and to think on their feet.
A study by researchers at the University of Chicago Medicine shows that when mice that are genetically susceptible to developing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) were given antibiotics during late pregnancy and the early nursing period, their offspring were more likely to develop an inflammatory condition of the colon that resembles human IBD.
The authors argue that the health and human rights rhetoric is susceptible to being co-opted by industry opponents of public health initiatives.
Or do harmful microbes exist in all buildings, and hospitals merely attract a human population that is particularly susceptible to them?
These include the overall validity of the radical - pair mechanism, whether birds might have evolved to be able to detect minute magnetic changes and have thus become susceptible to human - produced radio noise as a side - effect, or even whether applied electromagnetic fields might be affecting a different behavior — such as motivation — altogether.
What constitutes a pandemic virus is when a virus enters the human population — a virus we've never seen before in human beings — while everyone is simultaneously susceptible.
«Our results indicate that the epigenetic modification we studied makes both mice and humans more susceptible to obesity and with increasing age increases their risk of developing a fatty liver,» said Anne Kammel, first author of the study.
One is protection of Americans and humans in general, which I can imagine a CIA director would, of course, be interested in; and the other is, as we've often spoken about in around public circles, energy independence means that you're less susceptible to hostile interest [s].
This idea was bolstered by the finding that viral DNA production also took place in cells from another natural LCMV host, the hamster, but not in human, monkey, dog, or cow cells, which are not susceptible to the virus.
Yet pigs are a likely source of a human pandemic H5N1 virus because they are susceptible to both human and avian viruses, creating opportunities for genetic reassortment in co-infected animals.
In one of the latest efforts, Nagler's team first confirmed that mice given antibiotics early in life were far more susceptible to peanut sensitization, a model of human peanut allergy.
But that study extracted ancient DNA from liver and intestinal samples using a method susceptible to contamination with modern human and bacterial DNA, Drosou's team argues.
Once opened up, formerly intact forests become increasingly susceptible to natural pressures such as disease, fires, and erosion; they become less resilient to human - made climate change, and they become more accessible to human use, driving a spiral of decline.
Researchers isolated the virus from a fatal human case and tested it and two genetically modified versions in ferrets, which are susceptible to both human and bird flu viruses.
A new study of chimpanzees and bonobos finds that humans aren't the only species susceptible to «glass half empty thinking.
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