Sentences with phrase «sustain social relationships»

«For parents who have a depressed spouse, it may be important to have sustaining social relationships — with friends, extended family, and others — outside the marriage.
Brooks - Gunn recently summarized the research as showing that language stimulation and learning materials in the home are the parenting practices most strongly linked to school readiness, vocabulary and early school achievement, while parent discipline strategies and nurturance are most strongly linked to social and emotional outcomes such as behaviour and impulse control and attention.3 That is, discipline practices that do not help children develop their own internalized behaviour standards can also adversely affect children's social and emotional functioning — their abilities to develop sustained social relationships and to take account of the needs and feeling of others, to control and direct their own impulses, and to focus their attention to plan and complete tasks successfully.

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For small businesses, relationships between businesses not only customers, can be effectively built and sustained using social media.
The new metaphysics of social relationship can help to set free the theological insight which the Bible sustains.
This helps to sustain vibrant town centers, linking neighbors and creating social relationships which keeps customers coming back.
Of late, they've reappeared — and gained remarkable traction — under the banner of social - emotional learning, which claims to build the ways by which children learn and apply skills necessary to understand and manage their emotions, make decisions effectively, sustain positive relationships, and practice empathy.
Personal best goals were correlated with a range of positive variables at Time 1; however, at Time 2 the effects of personal best goals on deep learning, academic flow, and positive teacher relationship remained significant after controlling for prior variance of corresponding Time 1 factors, suggesting that students with personal best goals show sustained resilience in academic and social development.
Does the school employ a variety of collegial and sustained professional development activities (e.g., mentoring relationships between new teachers and experienced teachers, high - quality teacher induction programs, professional development drawing on school - level expertise, professional learning communities, collaboration among teachers, and relationships between teacher teams and social service support providers that serve students and families)?
Studies show that, while the library is the place students go for serious, sustained study, there is also a strong social context to their relationship to behaviour in libraries.
Today's communal lands resulted not from the benevolence of Australian governments, but the unwavering demands of generations of Indigenous activists... As Indigenous people our relationships with land sustain us, provide the foundations for our social order and define our identity.
Family psychology is a complex field, as it includes systems perspectives on the multiple influences on relationships, developmental perspectives on how relationships are formed and sustained over time, cultural perspectives on how society and traditions affect relationships, the intersection of individual differences and social relationships, and practice components in how to affect real and meaningful changes in couple, parent, and family relationships.
Since then, I've learned about John Cacioppo's work on social resilience, defined as «the capacity to foster, engage in, and sustain positive relationships and to endure and recover from life stressors and social isolation.»
We need to develop emotional, social and spiritual competence so that we can form and sustain healthy relationships.
For some adults and adolescents, needs such as reducing isolation by gaining social support and learning how to sustain healthy interpersonal relationships are important objectives of treatment.
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