Sentences with phrase «sustainability scientists»

«We found that not all species could respond effectively to extreme weather events including both dry and wet conditions,» said Osvaldo Sala, senior sustainability scientist and professor with ASU School of Life Sciences.
Sustainability Scientists at Leuphana University of Lüneburg have devised a simple screening - based predicting procedure for region - specific environmental risks caused by veterinary antibiotics (VA).
«The project is an excellent effort,» according to sustainability scientist Nathan Mueller of the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
A large enough number of such roofs could «completely offset warming due to urban expansion and even offset a percentage of future greenhouse warming over large regional scales,» says sustainability scientist Matei Georgescu at Arizona State University, who lead the research.
The two are networks of global sustainability scientists, and their report, The 10 Science «Must Knows» on Climate Change, summarises recent Earth - system science and economic research.
Sustainability scientists Matthew Bartos and Mikhail Chester, of Arizona State University, report in Nature Climate Change that changes in precipitation, air and water temperature, air density and humidity could combine to create problems for electricity generating plant in the western US.
This is being billed as the «largest gathering of global change and sustainability scientists prior to the Rio +20 Earth Summit» (italics added).
He was named a Regents» Professor in 2011 and also is a professor in ASU's School of Life Sciences, and is a Distinguished Sustainability Scientist in ASU's Global Institute of Sustainability.
Brad Allenby is a sustainability scientist and professor at Arizona State University.
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