Sentences with phrase «sustainable business»

The phrase "sustainable business" refers to a type of company that operates in a way that protects the environment, benefits society, and is financially stable in the long run. Such businesses focus on minimizing waste, reducing pollution, using renewable resources, treating their employees well, and making ethical choices. They strive to endure and thrive while also being mindful of their impact on the planet and people. Full definition
So what fast - fine entrepreneurs are trying to build is a new, economically sustainable business model for high - quality food.
He also really cares about the world way more than the average person in terms of sustainable business practices and is writing a book about it.
Follow this blog to get information on a variety of sustainable business practices.
As market interest in sustainable business practice increases, many wine producers are keen to work with partners that have excellent environmental credentials.
They are building sustainable business and managing digital innovation in favor of their long - term goals: finding new readers and increasing their sales globally through new intelligent solutions.
This item's purpose creates sustainable business opportunities for women locally and globally.
Instant Assignment Help has consistently been helping out the college students who face problems with sustainable business strategy assignments.
It will also, like it or not, be pulled more fully into the orbit of ever more sustainable business models.
I was seeking my MBA with a focus on sustainable business and was committed to the authentic delivery of a good product that improved people's lives and reduced our impact on the environment.
Providing insight into sustainable business and identifies common perceptions and practices of corporate sustainability professionals.
Learn exactly how to develop a profitable and sustainable Business Plan today!
Look for companies with real, sustainable business operations and you'll be one step closer to finding a good penny stock.
As part of the value placed on work - life balance, Australian companies tend to aim for sustainable business growth rather than exponential growth.
Women can use technology to help each other and create sustainable businesses at the same time.
This course is designed to be used to build a long - term sustainable business as an author entrepreneur.
The Discussion Paper promotes a mentoring program that could assist the community build the capacity of Indigenous peoples to implement outcomes and create sustainable business opportunities.
We help launch tokens supported by real - world, sustainable business solutions.
He writes on a broad range of topics including sustainable business, the collaborative economy and clean energy.
These optimistic forecasts will of course cover only those businesses that survive by adopting sustainable business models.
They also have truly sustainable businesses as a result of partnering with us around organic meat product.
But true, giving stuff away for free isn't the most sustainable business model.
20 + years of progressive leadership achievements, driving sustainable business transformation and record sales growth and organizational performance for global leaders in the technology sector.
We are constantly seeking ways to reduce our overall carbon footprint, while implementing sustainable business practices.
We can't retain the status quo if we want to create corporate cultures and structures which are based on trust, fairness and sustainable business performance.
Next 12 months: have a fully sustainable business and be featured in magazines, media, have investors.
Despite the growing adoption of the e-book format with publishers, it's not news that e-books are making them nervous as they struggle to find sustainable business models, in particular with libraries.
No longer is the industry standard set at achieving sustainable business practices.
We believe in using sustainable business practices whenever possible in order to preserve our natural environment.
They're investing in building a stable and sustainable business structure that will get them to their next milestones and beyond.
Collective supply - chain management can have a hugely beneficial effect when whole industries demand sustainable business practices by commodity producers.
By choosing to remain private, they can bear up against market shifts, grow and develop sustainable businesses before, rather than reporting quarterly results and facing extreme pressure from shareholders.
Having C - suite and executives buy - in is essential and educating its stakeholders is the first hurdle for companies moving toward sustainable business practices.
We have created a training platform for new therapists just starting out as well as seasoned therapists who are struggling to really build a solid financially sustainable business.
Sustainable Business reported on the advantages of small vs. big solar, questioning the use of public lands for huge industrial solar fields.
However, while green growth is good for everyone's morale, even the most exemplary sustainable businesses are quiet on the inconvenient distinction between absolute and relative reductions in emissions.
This rhetoric is symbolic of a greater ideological battle in sustainable business today.
People, Profit, Planet represents the «triple bottom line» of sustainable business talk.
Get the latest personalized news, tools, and virtual media on a wide range of sustainable business topics in your inbox.
It's to make sure we are a self financing sustainable business.
The college students seek sustainable business strategy assignment help as they need to submit the document within a set deadline.
He is specialized in carbon footprints, business model generation and sustainable business innovation.
What we've attempted to do is incorporate sustainable business practices into all of our products, practices and partnerships from the outset.
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