Sentences with phrase «sustainable efforts»

If 30 minutes is daunting, this test can be modified by simply performing three 5 minute hard, sustainable efforts with 5 minutes rest between each effort.
In addition to more manageable and sustainable efforts by more people, we need to consider what kind of paradigm shift is needed.
Here, through sustainable efforts and local initiatives, they have committed themselves to protecting their fragile eco-system, which has been recognized and awarded the Certification for Sustainable Tourism in Costa Rica.
Adesina said the presidential address would highlight, among other key issues, Nigeria's commitment to implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions and policy actions aimed at tackling climate change through environmental sustainable efforts.
Greener Fields Together — A national sustainability and local produce program that ensures sustainable efforts are implemented at every stage of the produce supply chain, to ensure safe quality produce from seed to fork.
Wegner directs Bemis» environmental sustainable efforts on a global basis.
We recognize and support the need for local ownership over BiH's future, but we also believe that this local ownership can only be established and truly nurtured once Western countries help ensure a conducive environment for domestic actors in BiH advocating inclusive and sustainable efforts toward progress.
The group buys the operations from Korean farmers who have agreed to change their businesses to more sustainable efforts like rice farming, Archambault said.
We will continue to champion solutions for tomorrow's safe, accessible and nutritious food through our sustainable efforts.
We help you not only say that you compost, but also gain recognition for your sustainable efforts through waste reduction.
If it had delivered promising results, more states would have wanted to join, and they would have had the kind of enthusiasm and commitment required for a sustainable effort.
Our «Pet First» philosophy focuses on the well - being and quality of life for cats and dogs, by allowing them to live longer in good health through our actions, sustainable efforts, and community outreach.
Hacienda Tres Rios, awarded for its eco-friendly and sustainable efforts, rests in beautiful 326 - acre Tres Rios Nature Park home to 131 species of animals and 120 species of tropical plants.
Sustainable alternative energy should find something besides the globe's natural climate regulatory mechanisms, the sun, the winds, and the water, or else run into unacceptable unintended side effects as the scale of the sustainable efforts reach the magnitude necessary to replace fossil fuels.
The university's dedication to sustainable efforts is further exemplified in the numerous courses offered in its sustainability catalog.
What the protest camp seemingly lacked in organization (I meandered through the crowd unsuccessful in finding a Bill McKibben - like leader or «hub» for Occupy Wall Street to speak to), was made up for in compassion and sustainable efforts.
The ABA Veterans Legal Service Initiative, established by 2016 - 2017 ABA President Linda Klein, is positioning the ABA to lead a holistic, sustainable effort to ensure that veterans have access to justice and receive the legal support they, their families, and their caregivers deserve.
So before we start having the conversation and debate about appropriate models of service delivery to address such an issue like scabies, and who should lead such models, let's first consider the needs and current infrastructure in each community, to determine where the sustainable efforts for such a project will come from to ensure long - term results.
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