Sentences with phrase «sustainable food depends»

The future of sustainable food depends on innovative ingredients, growing techniques, and processing technology.

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Then, make it sustainable loss by focusing on the microbiome and transitioning to real, healthier food habits either slowly or quickly, depending on lifestyle and preferences.
What reasonable person who is paying attention to the world around them and is free from the denial and economic fundamentalism that surrounds us isn't aware on some level that: — the phrase «sustainable growth» is an oxymoron — there are about 4 times as many people on this planet as it can sustain — All this stuff (including food) depends on cheap oil, which we are out of — Every ton of CO2 is further decreasing what the planet can sustain, and — We're teaching the world to be as shallow and dysfunctional as we are.
Our nation's future depends on crafting a forward - thinking strategy to promote organic and sustainable food and farming, and address the related crises of climate change, diminishing energy supplies, deteriorating public health, and economic depression.
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