Sentences with phrase «sustainable rate»

That's a highly sustainable rate of appreciation, not much above the average of about 5 percent over the past 50 years.
But how can you make sure that your program not only starts strong, but grows at sustainable rate?
The moderation in imports growth over the second half of 2004 appears to reflect the recent decline in domestic demand growth to more sustainable rates.
Now it's growing at 7 percent, a more sustainable rate.
We expect house price growth to moderate a bit to 4.4 percent in 2016, still well above the long - run sustainable rate of house price growth.»
But in terms of creating the bridge so there's time to do all of that, we have long advocated that they create a mechanism — a firewall — that ensures that all eurozone countries can fund themselves at sustainable rates for the next two, three years.
The Fed chief said that she and other Fed policymakers expected the central bank to lift its key benchmark short - term rate «a few times a year» through 2019, putting it near the long - term sustainable rate of 3 %.
Foods with a low GI (GI ≤ 55) release glucose into the bloodstream at a slow sustainable rate.
Without wishing to sound boastful, I am sure that you will be delighted to hear from someone like me who can maximise your chances of winning bids at commercially sustainable rates.
We expect house price growth to moderate a bit to 4.4 percent in 2016, still well above the long - run sustainable rate of house price growth.»
«It will slow prices to a more sustainable rate of growth, but it won't make the market more affordable.
For tuna lovers wanting to avoid adding to pressures on the bluefin, there are alternatives, including albacore, a species that in some fisheries is being caught at sustainable rates, according to marine biologists.
«Economies that grow fastest and at more sustainable rates are those that actively promote trade and attract investment.
Diamond feels the sustainable rate of withdrawals is 5 % or slightly higher.
Potential output growth — the sustainable rate of non-inflationary growth — is a tricky thing to estimate under normal circumstances.
They also saw the jobless rate falling to 3.6 per cent by the end of 2019, further below their 4.5 per cent estimate of unemployment's long - run sustainable rate.
To be more specific, as inflation approaches the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target and unemployment remains below what we see as a sustainable rate, it is appropriate for the Fed to continue to remove monetary accommodation by gradually raising interest rates.
They also saw the jobless rate falling to 3.6 percent by the end of 2019, further below their 4.5 percent estimate of unemployment's long - run sustainable rate.
Labour productivity growth — the rate of growth of output per hour worked — is also a useful concept since labour productivity growth ultimately determines the sustainable rate of growth of real wages in the economy.
That is a sustainable rate position for that line to bridge us to the 2019 replacement cycle.
For this reason governments will typically aim to ensure that their fiscal deficits, averaged over the business cycle, are no greater than the share of state spending of gross domestic product multiplied by the sustainable rate of GDP growth.
«I can not vote in favor of a budget unless it cuts the increase in our spending to a more sustainable rate, a rate that we can actually think about sustaining past next year,» Ruckdeschel said.
Writing for the ConservativeHome website today, he said: «The objective of any new migration policy must be to get this into balance, so that the UK can continue to be able to attract those needed to work, but do so at a sustainable rate that can be absorbed whilst adding value to the economy.»
Conservationists have long assumed fish harvested at a sustainable rate will forever be available for future generations.
With just under a quarter million people, population is increasing but at a sustainable rate.
Although it can vary based on the individual situation, the standard guideline for ensuring a sustainable rate of spending is that you should aim to only withdraw about 4 percent of your retirement savings per year.
It is held by many to be the sustainable rate of withdrawal from a 50 % stock - 50 % bond portfolio through a 30 - year retirement.
Try to find a sustainable rate to save, where you're putting money away but still easily meeting your expenses and finding some cash for entertainment.
For the moment I'm content with my 3.5 % dividend, but want to see them grow it at a sustainable rate with the growth of the business.
Getting to sustainability requires OECD reductions of that 80 % - ish number and the 3 - 5 billion impoverished staying that way OR cutting further to 90 % and supporting some rise in SoL for the rest of the planet because we can not just reduce to our fair footprint, we have consume at not just a sustainable rate, but a * healing * rate, which means < one Earth for some period of time.
We can also free up more to spike the buildout rate beyond the self - sustainable rate by making efficiency improvements (assuming we are willing to give the fossil fuel plants a few extra years before shutdown), that could be directed towards a renewables buildout.
So what is the answer: how can the legal aid system be reformed to keep delivering quality services to the public but in the most efficient way and, importantly, with reason - able and sustainable rates of remuneration for service providers to ensure that they do not leave, causing it to decline to be a second tier public service?
With just under a quarter million people, population is increasing but at a sustainable rate.
SBI Life - eWealth Insurance is a non-participating unit linked life insurance plan that helps create wealth and then ensures that your accumulated wealth grows at a sustainable rate.
They also saw the jobless rate falling to 3.6 percent by the end of 2019, further below their 4.5 percent estimate of unemployment's long - run sustainable rate.
We expect house price growth to moderate a bit to 4.4 percent in 2016, still well above the long - run sustainable rate of house price growth.»
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