Sentences with phrase «sustainable system»

How will you kick - start your resolution of creating more sustainable systems of assessment in your classroom?
Our team members work with faculty and administrators to learn new tools and processes, design common practices, and create sustainable systems for change.
Certainly humankind will need brilliant engineers to devise more sustainable systems in the infrastructure of the human / earth interface.
This is not compatible with a financially sustainable system (see Goal 4 - H).
To build a school culture with sustainable systems that support arts integration as an approach to teaching.
It does seem that to develop a long term sustainable system that returning some services for goods and money given to meet basic needs should work.
But I don't see enough of the right pieces on the current roster to make that happen as sustainable system right now and the team seems pretty risk adverse.
She believes that the most impactful solutions to complex problems combine sustainable systems, effective services, and thoughtful experiences.
Over the long run, this is a much more sustainable system then using the dividends right away without increasing your monthly contributions.
This episode: How three of the world's biggest energy buyers embraced and grew sustainable systems.
Perhaps this way, many other tourism companies can replicate sustainable systems like ours.
After all, the cost - benefit trade - offs of less sustainable systems almost always mean higher benefits for the already privileged and more costs for the already less privileged.
People have been designing sustainable systems throughout human existence, and still are.
Instead, I would go into this work with families with the perspective that you are a guide to helping the family become sustainable system on their own.
Few states have embraced an approach that creates sustainable systems for the information age.
Deborah was interested in learning about Sustainable Systems at Work, and ended up posting an article about the course, employee engagement, and our work with Intel.
Based upon a 2000 study by the Center for Sustainable Systems at University of Michigan, the average item of food in the U.S. travels around 1,500 miles to your table.
Ann Arbor, MI About Blog We envision a waste - free future — a world where wastes become resources and sustainable systems bring value to businesses, institutions and communities, enhancing environment and quality of life.
School turnaround can be a daunting task as every turnaround situation varies; therefore, the turnaround processes involved must vary as well.Since every school situation is different, as a turnaround specialist, I need to assess each situation, providing support and guidance while building sustainable systems which will last long after the turnaround team leaves.
These causes destroy established connection in sustainable system, which leads to destabilization of the Earth and ecological catastrophe.
We have a triple bottom line approach to ensure we offer attractive projects with 1) positive financial benefits 2) environmentally friendly solutions and 3) sustainable systems designed for longevity.
A company that has sustainable systems which would develope a person based on their drive, work ethics and ability to contribute to the greater cause.
have helped this urgent work to move forward with the ultimate goal of developing sustainable systems
Now here comes the question of the chicken or the egg: Did Sustainable Systems at Work help move the concept of employee engagement to the forefront of organizational priorities, or did we create SSW as a response to the need for employee engagement?
«We have the ultimate sustainable system,» President and CEO Clay Shannon says.
The most notable contribution of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union towards more environmentally sustainable systems has been the introduction of the agri - environment programmes in 1993, which now continue under Agenda 2000.
«Research at the Center for Sustainable Systems over the past dozen years has focused on helping consumers navigate this complexity and identify opportunities for cost savings and lower environmental impact,» said Keoleian, who is also a professor at the School for Environment and Sustainability.
Integrating perennial plants with longer root systems among crops is an agricultural strategy that can simultaneously produce more food, and improve soil quality, said Jerry Glover, a senior sustainable systems advisor at USAID.
iNACOL: Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change and Policy to Support Competency Education The purpose of this report is to spark conversation and provoke thought about core concepts that policy will need to address to achieve sustainable systems transformation to personalized, competency - based education.
His projects include coaching and sustainable systems development with district teams through the District Turnaround Leadership Institute and professional development for District Coordinators of School Improvement.
In the coalition's guide Scaling Up School and Community Partnerships: The Community Schools Strategy, we outline the structural elements that experience tells us are necessary for the most sustainable system.12
Agriculture, Food Science, and Sustainable Systems through scholarly publications, presentations, and securing grant funding.
If the pure leaves a system exposed, I pursue the shift from such fragile situations to more sustainable systems characterized by diverse sets of elements.
Can I point out that ultimately we need to build sustainable systems if we are to consider our survival as a civilisation into the future.
On a recent lunchtime, seven Ecova staff met in the atrium at 100 S.W. Market St. in downtown Portland to discuss Sustainable Systems at Work.
In December 2004, the YaSheng Group, a $ 1.5 billion China - based agricultural and biotechnology conglomerate, purchased 80 % of Montana - based fuel fuels firm Sustainable Systems, LLC, a maker and developer of biorefineries and bio-based fuels.
Framing the problem as developing the capability to travel to another star system is a creative way to spark people's imagination and ambition towards developing our capacity to create sustainable systems here on earth.
However, these are only a few of the many questions that helped stimulate discussion among the NWEI staff every Wednesday during the lunch hour, over the course of five weeks, as we participated in our own newest course Sustainable Systems at Work.
Nonetheless, I can say that ever since we launched Sustainable Systems at Work, I have been seeing articles everywhere singing the praises of employee engagement.
He offered a very distinctive value proposition: the proven ability to transform medical operations into a unified, seamless, high - quality, and cost - optimized «value - based» sustainable system founded on common purpose, vision, and teamwork.
National, state and local reforms are necessary to create a successful and sustainable system now and for future government employees, ultimately reducing government liability.
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