Sentences with phrase «sustained accelerated growth»

Growth equity investors with expertise, network and judgment can lead to sustained accelerated growth and a successful exit.

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But that is what would have to happen, because the current consumer price deflation of -0.3 percent can not be stopped, and reversed, without rising employment creation, accelerating wage claims and a sustained increase in the growth of domestic demand.
You'll join an elite business network of the country's best high - growth company leaders and participate in a customized leadership program designed to help you accelerate and sustain the growth of your business.
TORONTO, May 2, 2016 - April data from the RBC PMI highlighted a sustained recovery in business conditions across the Canadian manufacturing sector, with growth of output, new orders and employment all accelerating since the previous month.
Participate in a customized executive education program with year - round activities designed to accelerate and sustain business growth
April data from the RBC PMI highlighted a sustained recovery in business conditions across the Canadian manufacturing sector, with growth of output, new orders and employment all accelerating since the previous month...
2016.05.02 RBC PMI: Strongest improvement in manufacturing conditions since December 2014 April data from the RBC PMI highlighted a sustained recovery in business conditions across the Canadian manufacturing sector, with growth of output, new orders and employment all accelerating since the previous month...
I don't mean to sound all «lecture - y,» but if you're serious about accelerating or even sustaining your growth rate, you simply must build a dedicated lead generation and management team.
ECONOMY BOUNCES BACK A surge of growth late last year has accelerated in 2010, and there are reasons to believe the rebound can be sustained.
If developers could access their app store revenues faster, they could reinvest into user acquisition earlier, which would both accelerate and sustain growth earlier.
More than 10 000 years ago, agricultural societies accelerated these early defaunation and land clearing processes, ultimately replacing them with even more novel ecological transformations, including the culture of domesticated species, widespread soil tillage, sustained societal growth, and ever - increasing scales of material exchange, leading to globally significant transformation of the terrestrial biosphere by at least 3000 years before the present time.
To both sustain clean energy growth and put the United States» clean tech sectors on an accelerated path to subsidy independence and global competitiveness, analysts at the Breakthrough Institute, Brookings Institution, and World Resources Institute counsel a thorough revamping of American clean energy policies to prioritize innovation and cost declines.
We help firms build customized blueprints for self - sustaining growth through the intelligent integration of leadership and rainmaking training and coaching, retreats, client teams, accelerated cross-selling, strategic planning, and client service programs.
My expertise lies in forging and sustaining exceptionally trusting and lucrative relationships with key decision makers to accelerate business development while developing and inspiring sales teams and achieving multimillion - dollar year - over-year growth.
Sustained growth in the economy generally has accelerated and sustained improvement in the residential real estate industry which could cause sufficient levels of sales activity and generate revenues that would support traditional brick and mortar models, reducing the demand for cloud - based alternatives which could adversely impact our profitSustained growth in the economy generally has accelerated and sustained improvement in the residential real estate industry which could cause sufficient levels of sales activity and generate revenues that would support traditional brick and mortar models, reducing the demand for cloud - based alternatives which could adversely impact our profitsustained improvement in the residential real estate industry which could cause sufficient levels of sales activity and generate revenues that would support traditional brick and mortar models, reducing the demand for cloud - based alternatives which could adversely impact our profit margins.
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