Sentences with phrase «sutured into»

Drawings, political cartoons, children's illustrations, text, and other graphic clips are sutured into controlled disarray.
Some are irradiated by industrial light, sutured into uncomfortable hybrids, and hollowed out.
To manage his post-operative pain, a rubber catheter, called a soaker hose, was sutured into his incision so that pain medication could be injected directly into the surgery site.
Once bloat has occurred it is likely to happen again so many vets usually recommend a gastropexy, where the stomach is sutured into position to prevent it from twisting again.
The premise is inherently far - fetched but the sight of Justin Long sutured into an anthropomorphic - patchwork walrus suit (which resembles Belial from «Basket Case») is profoundly disturbing simultaneously.
«Smart» thread collects diagnostic data when sutured into tissue: Advances could pave way for new generation of implantable and wearable diagnostics.»
The researchers used a variety of conductive threads that were dipped in physical and chemical sensing compounds and connected to wireless electronic circuitry to create a flexible platform that they sutured into tissue in rats as well as in vitro.
The inset figure, upper left, shows liquid flowing in threads sutured into skin.
Consequently the connections where the donor's lung are sutured into the recipient break apart.
If none of his first three choices are available then adaptations must be made and Borja Baston needs to be sutured into the team because reaching beyond your first, second or even third choices will only lead to another situation like we had with Martnez.
My question is: Why is it not questionable for a Boston Red Sox team doctor to have surgically and temporarily stabilized Curt Schilling's peroneus brevis tendon by suturing it into deep connective tissue before Game 6 of the 2004 American League Championship Series against the New York Yankees?
Treatment is surgical, and involves repositioning the PTEG and suturing it into place.
The intuitiveness of the controls simply helps to suture you into the slaying, not once did I find myself pulled away from battle because of a mistimed button press or a convoluted combo needing entering.

Not exact matches

Unit cost estimation involved a combination of bottom - up and top - down costing methods and followed guidance on costing healthcare services as part of an economic evaluation.15 17 Detailed unit costs, derived from the finance departments of participating trusts and information provided by senior midwives, were estimated for resource inputs into the following components of intrapartum and after birth care for all settings: homebirth delivery packs; NHS reimbursement for midwifery travel; some forms of pain relief; alternative modes of delivery; active management of the third stage of labour; suturing for episiotomy; suturing third and fourth degree perineal tears; manual removal of the placenta; blood transfusions; and care after a stillbirth or neonatal death.
So we went into Rainy Children's Hospital and they told us that his front and back sutures were both closed.
They pulled her scalp and most of her face down, and scraped dermoid tissue from the bone between her beautiful eyes, reaching into the suture line to ensure my baby does not have to deal with the invasion of foreign tissue into her brain later in her life.
His devices, from surgical sutures that monitor skin temperature to biodegradable sensors that dissolve when their useful life is done, share a unifying quality: They can slip seamlessly into the soft, moist, moving conditions of the living world.
«We don't currently know what changed in 2014 that allowed this rift to push through the suture zone and propagate into the main body of the ice shelf,» said Dan McGrath, a glaciologist at Colorado State University who has been studying the Larsen C ice shelf since 2008.
The crack remained dormant for decades, stuck in a section of the ice shelf called a suture zone, an area where glaciers flowing into the ice shelf come together.
For the first time, researchers led by Tufts University engineers have integrated nano - scale sensors, electronics and microfluidics into threads — ranging from simple cotton to sophisticated synthetics — that can be sutured through multiple layers of tissue to gather diagnostic data wirelessly in real time, according to a paper published online July 18 in Microsystems & Nanoengineering.
This way, «we found that when analysing the head as a complex system defined by 181 nodes — including bones, muscles and cartilage, and excluding superficial muscles — and 412 physical contacts — sutures and cartilaginous joints — , the system can be subdivided into ten well - defined modules,» says Diego Rasskin.
Donor grafts were sewn into place using running 11 - 0 nylon sutures (Ethicon, Sommerville, NJ), and sutures were removed on day seven posttransplantation.
Pack the severed piece on a bed of ice as you travel to the hospital, or a nearby tertiary care center with a plastic surgeon or ear / nose / throat surgeon who may be able to suture it back into place.
The chronic constriction injury involves placing multiple sutures around the sciatic nerve proximal to the point at which it branches into the tibial, common peroneal, and sural nerves.
Its tractability is astonishing — protean, not too much to say magical; in describing his first film experience as a visit to «the kingdom of shadows,» Maxim Gorky brushes up against the ineffable sublimity of a medium that mimics the eye, stimulates the ear, and has as one of the key elements of its academic study a concept that suggests the moment a viewer finds himself «sutured» into the text.
The two sides of the incision are then sutured together — this has the effect of «tightening» the eyelid and pulling it into the right position.
Old braided suture frizzles into wispy filaments — it can be hard to distinguish from fur.
Formulated with the highest quality botanicals Happy Traveler was designed by a holistic veterinarian and PhD herbal scientist to ease anxiety and motion sickness Useful for separation anxiety travel anxiety to socialize a nervous or excitable pet into a new environment during thunderstorms fireworks airline travel visits to groomers vets and kennels With your Vets approval helps your pet during recovery from surgeryinjury by relaxing them to minimize chewing on bandages and sutures Nonhabit forming No harmful side effects when used as directed
In addition, if your dog has a high risk of developing Gastric Dilation and Volvulus, an elective surgery can be performed to suture the stomach into the wall of the body to prevent it from being able to twist.
(A stent is a little tube we run the suture through, like cushioning, so the suture does not directly cut into the skin on a tight wound closure.)
A third method is to make an incision through the skin into the stomach and to temporarily suture the opened stomach to the skin.
Once our surgeon is certain the cervix sutures are secure the cervix is placed back into the abdominal cavity.
When the surgeon is certain there is no risk of bleeding the clamps are released and the sutured tissue is allowed to fall back into the abdomen.
When we make the incision into the bladder the laser is used in almost all cases because of dramatically less bleeding during the surgery and dramatically less inflammation after we remove the stone and suture the bladder.
The treatment of choice for Cherry Eye is prompt surgical repositioning of the gland into its normal position and attaching it with sutures.
Open castration generally involves incising into the testicular sheath and tying off the spermatic cord and blood vessels separately from the muscle using suture.
Recently, a 10 - year - old boy came into a local hospital emergency room — where I am a registered nurse — with bites to his face that required sutures.
The hope is that within a couple of weeks when the sutures are carefully removed and the area treated with antibiotic ointment, Suki's eyelids remain tacked into the correct place and void of any infection.
When this is the case, a large bore needle called a trochar can be inserted through the side of the dog and into the stomach or a surgical cut - down on the abdominal wall and the stomach with temporarily suturing of the openings together, removes the trapped pressure.
Then multiple sutures are stitched into the ear to seal it back together.
So in order to remove an anal sac, there is no choice: we must cut into the sphincter, hence the risk of incontinence if the thin muscle is not sutured perfectly well at the end of the surgery.
An everted pouch, as this condition is known, must be surgically repaired by a veterinarian, who will put it back into place and suture it so it stays in position.
The great deal of work that goes into the construction of her images — with Frankenstinian suturing — upsets any easy read.
Implantable devices including valves, sutures, screws, and anything else that may be inserted into a patient's body either permanently or temporarily
The medical assistant who works right alongside the physician and works one - on - one with patients may be given the responsibilities of «charting» update into patients» medical histories, checking vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, heart rate), using a pressurized water pump to remove patients» ear wax, taking out sutures, advising patients about the types of testing and medicines the doctor has ordered, sending faxes to pharmacies, sterilizing medical instruments, changing linens and re-stocking examining rooms, and giving oral, topical and / or injectable medications.
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