Sentences with phrase «swallow sharp objects»

Firstly, if your dog is destructive in addition to barking while you are gone, then a crate is safer than letting them have the run of the house where they might get into dangerous chemicals or swallow sharp objects in a destructive fit.
It obviously could be bad for your puppy to get a hold of and swallow any sharp objects, such as a pin or razor blade.
PLEASE NOTE... Should your puppy swallow any sharp objects such as razor blades, pins, or other obstructional objects: - CONTACT your veterinarian immediately!

Not exact matches

Foreign objects that are eaten or accidentally swallowed, such as sharp bones or thorns, can lacerate the throat too, leading to infection and inflammation of tissues in the throat.
But don't give your kitten any strings, yarns, ribbons, sharp or too small toys as these objects may be easily swallowed.
Don't leave small, sharp, easily swallowed objects lying around.
HELPFUL EMERGENCY NOTES: Should puppy swallow sharp items such as razor blades or sharp objects: - CALL your veterinarian or emergency veterinarian immediately!
If your dog swallows a foreign object such as a sharp edged bone he or she picked up when outside of the home, your veterinarian will use a laxative to try and pass the bone particles and possibly an anti-biotic to reduce the change of infection.
They often swallow them or any other small sharp objects.
Rectal tears, as well as anal tears, can occur when a dog swallows a foreign object that is sharp, like a bone, needle or other rough material.
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