Sentences with phrase «swallowed by black holes»

What happens to the information swallowed by black holes?
And as we might expect, some unlucky stars get swallowed by black holes.
A supermassive one lurks at the heart of every galaxy — and yet still no one can work out what happens when matter is swallowed by a black hole
What looked like the brightest supernova ever spotted might in fact be the death gasp of a star being swallowed by a black hole
Some unlucky ones may happen to pass too close to the central black hole, where they are destroyed and eventually swallowed by the black hole.
During this phase, some infalling gas was swallowed by the black hole, while the remaining was pumped out at a breakneck speed of nearly 2 million miles per hour.
According to the researchers, this pattern is the result of stellar debris colliding with itself (which produces bursts of optical and UV light), and heating up just before being swallowed by the black hole (which gives off X-ray flares).

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What happens to the information swallowed up by a black hole?
Astronomers spy one of the brightest and longest gamma - ray bursts ever seen, caused by a black hole swallowing a star.
So far the leading candidates are the merger of two neutron stars and the swallowing of a neutron star by a black hole.
The only way to explain the X-ray shortfall, says Narayan, is if the energy is being swallowed up by a black hole.
«It is pretty clear that you first make small seed black holes in the early universe, and over cosmic time, by swallowing gas in their vicinity, they grow,» said study co-author Priya Natarajan, a Yale astrophysicist.
In his book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking proposed a black hole power generator, where black holes swallow matter and then convert matter into radiation by evaporating, but there are major challenges with making this process fast enough to be useful.
«Earth - size telescope tracks the aftermath of a star being swallowed by a supermassive black hole
According to Neves, a black hole is not defined by singularity, but rather by an event horizon, a membrane that indicates the point of no return from which nothing escapes the inexorable destiny of being swallowed up and destroyed by the singularity.
In the early universe, when gas was abundant, a handful of voracious black holes grew to become extremely massive by swallowing it up, emitting immense amounts of energy.
Using NASA's super-sensitive Chandra X-ray space telescope, a team of astronomers led by Q. Daniel Wang at the University of Massachusetts Amherst has solved a long - standing mystery about why most super massive black holes (SMBH) at the centers of galaxies have such a low accretion rate — that is, they swallow very little of the cosmic gases available and instead act as if they are on a severe diet.
With this new finding, the team has for the first time been able to detect an inactive black hole at the heart of a globular cluster — one that is not currently swallowing matter and is not surrounded by a glowing disc of gas.
All big galaxies in the universe host a supermassive black hole in their center and in about 10 percent of all galaxies, these supermassive black holes are growing by swallowing huge amounts of gas and dust from their surrounding environments.
A fourth black hole was also caught in the act of swallowing a star by a team of researchers at the University of Science and Technology of China.
One explanation for the existence of supermassive black holes in the early universe postulates that the first black holes were «seeds» that grew into much larger black holes by gravitationally attracting and then swallowing matter.
«It was generally believed the maximum speed at which a black hole could swallow gas and produce light was tightly determined by its size,» Roberto Soria of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, or ICRAR, said in a statement.
I had only two watches so far in my life and they both ended up missing, first one got swallowed up by a «black hole» at home and 2nd one was a misfortunate loss on one of my summer holidays.
These supermassive black holes sustain themselves by swallowing stars, planets, asteroids, comets and clouds of gas that wander by the crowded galactic core.
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