Sentences with phrase «swallowing loose hair»

They may become ill due to swallowing loose hair during their own grooming practices.
On a daily basis, every single cat grooms him or herself, using its tongue and swallows the loose hair that comes from their fur.
In addition, grooming your cat can help prevent problems with hairballs, as hairballs are most often formed when cats swallow loose hair while they are grooming themselves.

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Regular brushing will lessen the chances of your cat swallowing his own loose hairs.
As a result of this, cats tend to swallow great amounts of loose hair, which then collect and form into a hardened mass called a trichobezoar within...
Daily Brushing Daily brushing or combing removes loose hairs, preventing them from being swallowed and forming hairballs.
Daily brushing removes loose hairs, which prevents your cat from swallowing them and reduces the chance of developing hairballs.
Comb out loose hair every day; use a damp cloth or paper towel to remove fly - away hairs after combing so your cat doesn't swallow them.
When your cat grooms herself, her tongue catches loose and dead hair, which she then swallows.
Brushing your cat and removing loose hairs prevents your cat from swallowing too much hair, which keeps hairballs from forming.
Grooming reduces the formation of hair balls by removing loose fur before the cat swallows it during self - grooming.
Cats groom themselves with their rough tongues, in part to rid their coats of loose hairs — some of which get swallowed.
The more dead, loose hair you remove with a brush means that much less hair will get swallowed by your cat.
Long or short haired coats, cats that are regularly groomed will have less loose hairs, so less hairs get swallowed, less chance of hairballs.
Hairballs are a messy wads of digested food, saliva and gastric secretions that develop when cats self - groom and their sandpaper - textured tongues catch loose hair that is swallowed.
When your cat grooms himself, tiny hook - like structures on his tongue catch loose and dead hair, which is then swallowed.
Cats can be compulsive groomers, and every time they lick their fur, loose hair is picked up, swallowed and ends up in the stomach.
Moulting will occur, to some extent, all year round and grooming helps to remove the loose hair, much of which is be swallowed.
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