Sentences with phrase «sweat on stationary bikes»

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If you are a regular at the gym, it's most likely that you've already met some of the most annoying and / or disgusting members of the human species there, be it the fat guy who constantly breaks wind on the stationary bike, the slob who never re-racks his weights after the workout, the elderly man who never wipes off the equipment he's been using, leaving small ponds of sweat everywhere around him.
Research suggests that a 10 - minute sweat session with 1 minute of high - intensity exercise (think sprints, on foot or a stationary bike) can lead to the same benefits — including improved cardiovascular health, increased endurance, and fat percentage loss — as exercising at a moderate pace for 45 minutes.
We first see him sweating out the last few minutes before a weigh - in, swathed in plastic wrap, on a stationary bike, determined to make weight so he can still qualify as a lightweight.
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