Sentences with phrase «sweat shop labour»

For At Your Service, Prlja will present work from her ongoing series exploring sweat shop labour in the garment industry, this time focusing on the situation within the UK.

Not exact matches

For just over a year, I have spent nearly every Wednesday night and Saturday morning running a warm up pace that makes me overheat, then starting the interval workout which involves me sometimes running slower than the «warm up pace «and watching the lithe people run away from me at incredible speeds, then «slinky - ing «forward while they run back for me on the recovery, watching them sprint away from me some more, and then eventually finding myself labouring up a hill to exit the river valley at the end of the workout to find the group of speedsters waiting to fist pound it out before we run back to the shop at a cool down pace which only makes me sweat even more.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z