Sentences with phrase «sweeping decision»

As such, it is very difficult to make sweeping decisions, as china is enabled to do with its one ruling party and its censorship and all like that.
Did the individual countries of Europe envision such sweeping decisions when they joined the EU?
In his historic and sweeping decision on Connecticut's broken school funding system, Judge Thomas Moukawsher announced something we have been shouting from the rooftops for years — many of Connecticut's kids are not getting the education they deserve and was promised to them under law.
Implementing an incremental approach can help guide this process and limit negative effects from sweeping decisions.
As the author of this TIME piece then asserts, this is a war «not [to] be won incrementally, through painstaking compromise with multiple stakeholders, but through sweeping decisions — judicial and otherwise — made possible by the tactical [emphasis added] application of vast personal fortunes,» thanks to the Silicon Valley et al. magnates.
In that sense unions dodged a more sweeping decision that could have jeopardized dues payments from all public workers.
Sweeping decision goes beyond money to focus on student outcomes; a long overdue move Hechinger Report commentary by Jennifer Alexander
But for industry and policymakers who make sweeping decisions that affect the environment — such as whether to drill for oil on protected lands or build new nuclear power plants — the financial stakes, potential consequences, and complexity of the choices defy a simple weighing of pros and cons.
The president's order - by - social media caught senior military officials by surprise and short - circuited the customary interagency policy process that attends such sweeping decisions.
In his historic and sweeping decision on Connecticut's broken school funding system, Judge Thomas Moukawsher announced something we...
But while the industry is on board with age restrictions, e-cigarette makers strongly oppose a sweeping decision to group them with traditional cigarettes in general.
«This is a sweeping decision, period,» said Marc Elias, a Democratic election lawyer.
Your track record disqualifies you from making such a sweeping decision that will do irreparable damage to... Read More
His sweeping decision covered funding, which I will address here, and education policy, which I will address in my next column.
The Supreme Court of Canada has coined the phrase «mental injury» in a sweeping decision abolishing misguided prejudices over «psychological», «emotional» or «psychiatric» injury claims in the law of tort.
It is unclear whether Google intends to roll out the removal of the search bar to all Pixel Launcher phones or if the company intends to gather more feedback before making a sweeping decision.
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