Sentences with phrase «sweet person which»

Brought the vehicle to us, spend some time explaining the vehicle system, so she is a very sweet person which I would recommend.

Not exact matches

My grandmother, a sweet old lady who grew up in the»30 and» 40's, used terms to describe people she didn't understand (which means anyone different than her) in ways that would make you blush.
You are correct in that I'm passed the $ 200 — $ 250K sweet spot, which is why I'm actively reducing my income by hiring people to help me with editing, accounting, operations, web design, site maintenance, and so forth.
They're sweet and lovely people, but they tend to bounce around things about my Christian faith which don't actually resemble what I believe.
So people and love agreed in principle which answers the question what the world needs now is love sweet love (thanks for the reminder Burt Baccarach): — RRB -.
Sustaining food, sweet water, days without illness, births without accident and parental love without frustration, and satisfying length of days (23:25 - 26)-- abundant life in these terms is offered in a covenant relationship in which Yahweh creates a people and a people serve him in faithfulness.
In addition to the typical cereal / pretzel / nuts combo, this one also included toffee bits, which when melted, bind some of the ingredients together to create a sweet and salty treat that people can't seem to get enough of.
It has a rice crispy like texture, which most people find tasty, and it makes a great alternative to a candy bar if you have a sweet tooth.
In some areas is considered a cake and some people frost Julekage with a sweet white icing, which makes it even more like a Christmas cake In a perfect world I would travel, bake and enjoy 0...
You are also very natural, and in case I am wrong about that (which I doubt), that surely would mean that you are a talented writer (which comes down to the same, because who can write such entertaining and pleasant posts but a warm, sweet person?).
Sometimes I just use the juice of the sweet pickle relish if people don't like the texture of the relish in their eggs and sometimes I add some of the relish with the juice, which is how my family likes them.
Also there's really not much point to reducing the sugar for this because the less sugar you use, the more you'll have to cook it dow, so really you're not ending up with a less sweet end result unless you thicken it with some starch, which some people do.
It might be interesting to see which recipes hit the sweet spot for the most people, etc..
I tend to reduce the amount of sugar to the bare minimum, which many people find it «not sweet enough,» so please increase the amount to your liking.
Some people enjoy the panna cotta on its own, but it is usually served with a sauce (often a berry coulis), which adds some sweetness: the cream itself is supposed to be only subtly sweet.
They have a naturally sweet flavor and are bright white in color, which makes them an excellent first - time nondairy milk choice for people who have only ever had cow's milk.
Your reaction to the frosting is interesting — most people have commented that it's not near sweet enough, perhaps the combo with the caramel sauce (which sounds amazing but is quite sweet) was simply too much.
Not only does she write an amazing blog filled with so many delicious recipes, but her mom is a pastry chef, so she grew up around sweet treats, and she works as a food editor, which sounds like a perfect job for a person who loves food!
Very happy with this recipe, and I'm not a veggie type person... Tomorrow I will cook me another and will add egg and sweet potatoes... and munchies avocado which matched really well with it....
I'm not exactly sure why I don't digest it well but my guess is because it's very starchy (double the carbs of a sweet potato) which can be problematic for people with gut issues.
More than 20,000 people annually stroll among plants such as taro, sweet potato, banana, and coconut palm, which were likely introduced to the island hundreds of years ago by Polynesians traveling by canoe.
In 2002 he learned of the dire need for synthetic artemisinin, a compound derived from the sweet wormwood plant, which is 90 percent effective against the parasite that causes malaria and has few side effects (malaria kills some 3 million people a year).
A Source: Eggs, milk, liver, fish, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes Effects of deficiency: Weakened immune system, night blindness; hinders embryological development Who's at risk: Alcoholics, infants in poor countries with foods low in beta - carotene; people in Africa and Southeast Asia, where polished rice, which lacks the vitamin, is a staple Fortification options: Milk, oil, margarine Estimated millions of children affected: 140
In order to find out why people willingly subject themselves to the pain of a spicy meal, Prescott and his colleagues at the CSIRO Sensory Research Centre in Sydney looked at how different amounts of capsaicin affected the flavour and intensity of solutions of sucrose and sodium chloride, which stimulate two of the four basic tastes, sweet and salt (the others are sour and bitter).
That old Food Pyramid (which gave King Tut Heart Disease) certainly was outdated and all of us dumb people lacking in government credentials couldn't really figure out that you were just telling us to eat lots of carbs, some fruits and veggies and very little meat, fats, oils and sweets.
Both the TASTE and AROMA of Ceylon Cinnamon is different then that of Cassia Cinnamon, which is the cinnamon we are used to tasting as it is 99 % of the store bought cinnamon in the US.Most people absolutely love the taste and aroma of our ceylon cinnamon, which can be described as a REFINED, FRAGRANT, EXOTIC aroma with a COMPLEX, SWEET, taste compared to the taste of Cassia Cinnamon.
And because many of these vegetables are root vegetables, they are energetically grounding, which helps to balance out the spaciness people often feel after eating other kinds of sweet foods.
The people needed some real calories, which would be one reason to explain why 70 % of their diet was (cooked) sweet potatoes.
Because the brain is so dependent on sufficient thyroid hormones, people with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism need to carefully follow a brain - healthy diet, which is low on sweets and starchy foods and high in vegetables and whole foods.
«For the majority of people, a 5 - rep max is going to be around 85 - 90 % of their 1 - rep max, which is really the sweet spot for strength development,» explains John.
In spite of its sweet taste, similar to molasses, mesquite has a low glycemic index and a high content of fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels in people with hyperglycemia and diabetes.
After serotonin levels drop, people then may feel depressed, which spurs cravings for more high - carb foods and sweets to get that pleasurable «high» and start the cycle over again.
Your body still needs some glucose or sugar to function like parts of your brain and blood but I never seen this point before it is a good point I need to look more into it but as I'm aware it doesn't say eat no carbs and some of those carbs is still good to come from good vegetables such as sweet potato and such and some of it from good sugar such as fruit but I do know some people have seen an improvement in their thyroid function those who have thyroid problems since eating this way but perhaps it can be a trigger for those long term eaters who see other problems arising in the metabolism and thyroid conditions but most of them are founded to be not avoiding certain sensitive trigger foods which has helped others when avoided
Bugs sometimes eat the leaves of sweet potatoes, but because that hardly affects the quality of the underground tubers which people actually eat, farmers generally don't believe it's worth protecting the leaves with pesticides.
Some people find that they have a sweet spot in which they feel and perform their best.
Virtually all oligosaccarides are known to have a mildly sweet taste and a reasonably agreeable texture which has sparked the interest of the food industry, not only because people like sweet foods, because these kinds of sugars have been shown to have various health - promoting benefits.
But you might be more of a sweet brekkie person, which I can understand, as I get that way too sometimes.
There are people doing the Beverly version of this diet with a carb up twice a week usually on Sunday and Wednesday that only consists of a banana, broccoli, sweet potato and some oats before bed which is hardly enough to restock glycogen stores from being no - carb for days.
Vitamin C, for example, helps rebuild damaged collagen and can be obtained from a variety of food sources as tolerated, although one should take care not to rely entirely on the sweeter fruits, which can be problematic for people with blood sugar issues.
Additional symptoms of starchaholics include an immediate clarity that they feel when they have their sweet or starch, which moves to confusion; and changes in mental state from well - being to negativity and depression, from peaceful to aggressive, from a sensitive, tuned - in person to one who is numb, from energetic (which may happen initially for a few minutes to one half - hour or an hour) to lethargic.
How is this possible: 1: Ingestion of large amounts or concentrated amounts of sweets induces a rapid rise in blood glucose which again causes a fast rise in insulin which then causes a rapid decrease which may give hypoglycemia postprandially in sensitive persons (1).
This seems to be a «sweet spot» for most people for maximizing results without adding too much additional stress on the body (which increases the risk of overtraining).
There are specific foods with which most SIBO people have trouble: garlic, onions, apple, raw foods / salad, legumes, certain nuts, potatoes / sweet potatoes, dairy.
According to the Mayo Clinic, people with a history of kidney stones may want to avoid eating too many sweet potatoes, as the vegetable contains oxalate, which contributes to the forming of calcium - oxalate kidney stones.
Furthermore, the Beauregard sweet potato, an orange - skinned variety grown in North Carolina, is similar to a white - skinned variety used in Japan to make a dietary supplement called Caiapo, which is marketed to control blood glucose in people with diabetes, according to an article in Perspectives, the magazine of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at North Carolina State University.
In a review of six studies - including two randomized controlled trials, which together included a total of 387 participants - aromatherapy, administered by way of a 30 - to -60-minute massage, was found to have positive effects on mood in people with depression, people with cancer - related depression, and mothers with postpartum depression.21 Oils used in these studies included lavender; chamomile; and a blend of sweet orange, geranium, and basil.
One flaw though, is that many people perceive stevia leaf and its sweet derivatives to have an unpleasant aftertaste, which companies are trying feverishly to overcome.
They've got sunglasses and eyeglasses and can work through their online optician, which is pretty sweet for busy people like us #bossladies, right?
Sometimes a person needs a little bit of comfort food to start their day, by which I mean carbs adorned in something sweet.
I've heard a few comments over the years that were along the same lines (as in, «I couldn't wait to ditch girdles, stockings and petticoats and don't know why you'd want to wear them nowadays»), but more often older folks seem genuinely touched that someone of a later generation is keeping the fashions of their era alive, which is how I'm sure more elderly people feel when they see you, looking so gorgeously, classically attired, too, my sweet friend.
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