Sentences with phrase «sweet taste which»

«Ethylene glycol, the most common ingredient in antifreeze, has a sweet taste which pets seem to like,» he says.
Flavor Profile: The thin, delicate red skin has a subtly sweet taste which is complemented by the earthy overtones of the potato flesh.
Some plant - based milks, even when they're unsweetened, have a natural sweet taste which will affect the flavor of your cupcake.
I also added some sunflower butter that has a slightly mild and sweet taste which balances out the bitter taste of the tahini.
The salad has an overall sweet taste which is balanced with the spinach leaves and the sour lemon juice from the dressing.

Not exact matches

In developed markets the new demand is coming from the same sort of young, adventurous consumers who are packing whiskey bars in the U.S. «The taste profile of bourbon, which is sweeter because of the mash bill, has been really interesting to consumers in other countries,» says Chris Bauder, the general manager for whiskeys at Beam Inc..
If you're not sure which pea - based option to go with, either decide based on how sweet you want it to taste, or which of fairly fortified list of nutrients you prefer.
If wisdom is to be ours, it must grow in us slowly like a tree — a tree of life — and at the end of the long growing we have its ripe fruit, sweet to the taste, which is the knowledge of good and evil — the kind of knowledge by which a king may rule well, and any of us may govern our lives well.
In an excited letter to Spalatin (on this occasion he was considered highly suitable for a discussion of the text), dated 14 December 1516, Luther wrote: «If reading a pure and solid theology, which is available in German and is of a quality closest to that of the Fathers, might please you, then get yourself the sermons of Johann Tauler, the Dominican... I have seen no theological work in Latin or German that is more sound and more in harmony with the gospel than this... Taste it and see how sweet the Lord is, [a quotation from the Psalms] after you have first tried and realised how bitter is whatever we are».
They're filled with sweet chocolate and roasted maple pecans, which together taste incredible.
I do think though, that these brownies taste a lot like sweet potatoes, which I guess I was expecting.
Had this for dinner tonight and used sweet potato instead of new potatoes and black quinoa, which gave it an incredible nutty taste — gorgeous!!
The spices make them taste really festive, while the mix of honey, coconut sugar and maple syrup make them extra sweet and indulgent, which is great, as you don't want to spend Christmas feeling too healthy and a bit deprived!
Note the combination of bananas, chiles, and ginger which make for a sweet and spicy taste.
Homemade almond milk does taste a little different, it reminds me a little of plain yoghurt — I would suggest adding a few dates or a tablespoon or so of pure maple syrup and a little cinnamon to your almond milk to give it a sweeter flavour, which really makes it taste so delicious, I'm sure you and your husband would love it!
Due to a lack of lentils I used a medium - sized sweet potato which I baked together with the carrots in the oven and it tasted amazing.
I especially loved their I am Whole bowl, which is made up of mashed sweet potato, adzuki beans, sautéed kale, housemade kim chee, sea palm, black sesame seed gomasio, teriyaki almonds, garlic tahini sauce and either local brown rice or quinoa — it tasted even better than it sounds too!
I add honey on top which really gives it that sweet taste.
It's amazingly green thanks to the juiced cucumber and celery yet nicely sweet thanks to the banana, which means that the whole thing doesn't taste overly veggie!
I love in the morning s and do in many ways the pancakes were added flaxseed, sunflower seeds and cocoa, cinnamon, raisins and others were added baked sweet potato which tastes delicious
Kamut International owns the KAMUT ® trademark, which is used to market a grain that is always grown certified organic, never hybridized or genetically modified, and is prized for its nutrition, ease of digestibility, sweet nutty - buttery taste and firm texture.
It made gooey, chocolately (I used cocoa powder) cakes in which I can taste the sweet potato and which are absolutely NOT brownies.
At this point almost everything tastes sweet to me, including raw nuts which is definitely pushing it, lol!
If you do make this tart, trust me on that layer of sugar, it enhances the taste of the corn, which always tends to go well when it's more on the sweet side of the taste spectrum!
These Cranberry Pistachio Cocoa Cookies have a cake - like texture, but aren't overly sweet, which really lets the taste of the cocoa shine through.
The strawberries in the local CSA's are so incredibly sweet they taste like candy and the rhubarb, which is most often tart, has a slight sweetness to it as well, giving a wonderfully balanced flavor.
And the caramel - chocolate version is a nice sweet treat which does fine in the frig and ironically tastes ok cold — at least to me.
And, it has a lovely little bit of a sweet buttery taste from the almond flour, which adds an incredibly rich quality to baked goods.
Which is a relief, last Pinterest recipe I tried for banana muffins (not yours) were not good, had a bitter taste and were not sweet enough.
The two main sweet tasting components of stevia are rebaudioside A (rebiana aka reb A) and stevioside, which are about 200 times sweeter than sugar.
Sweeter but missing that full banana - y taste, which is replaced by a subtle apple flavor.
It's sweet and yellow compared to Alphonso's rich orange and much sweeter taste) which I then puréed.It came to 2.5 cups.
We all were given the ingredients to make Amish yeast bread which was this fluffy white loaf with a sweet taste to it.
As I mentioned in the post, the the cake isn't very sweet which is likely why it tastes bitter to you.
I am sharing an alternate method which requires a bit less time.Condensed milk is already VERY sweet in taste so you don't need to add sugar at all.
You can choose whatever type of chocolate you want; I went with bittersweet, but next time I'll go for something a little sweeter, as there isn't a ton of sugar in the base (which is also nice — you can really taste the cookie dough flavor).
With the Woolworths dark chocolate chips and carob combo, the mouse layer tastes very dark and sweet - bitter, not like the happy fluffy cow - infused mousses the locals may be used to, which suits my stomach perfectly!
So there's virtually no added sugar in this breakfast which is THE best way to start the day as it's all about that taste of sweet that gets you craving more!
You can't eat what you don't have And I usually save my points plus for homemade sweet stuff, which is more work, but always tastes so much better.
Well, stevia gets its sweet taste from steviol glycosides which have a hormone structure.
-LSB-...] strawberries from the CSA are so incredibly sweet they taste like candy and the rhubarb, which is most often -LSB-...]
There is a bit of stevia leaf powder with the rest of the healthy greens, which gives it just a touch of sweetness — not enough to make it sweet but just enough to not make everything taste so green.
You see, I'm not a fan of stevia liquid since stevia gets its sweet taste from steviol glycosides which have a hormone structure.
These recipes have fruit added which makes them taste sweet without adding sugar but as you know some fruits are naturally sweeter than others.
Enjoying sweet Milka traditions in Germany: Easter tastes much sweeter in Germany with the fun ritual of spooning fluffy milk - crème out of the Milka spoonable eggs, which are a countrywide favourite every year.
You'll also find the recipe for my Passion Fruit Ceviche which turns the traditionally sour ceviche on its head, giving it a sweet taste and modern feel, creating a perfectly vibrant and refreshing summer dish.
I'm utterly taken by this sweet bread for many reasons, taste being one, but mostly, because I faithfully fail whenever attempting it, which makes it so much more desirable.
Fatty foods typically taste good, so do sweet and salty ones, which means a lot of the foods you love are likely not the best things you can have.
I made this with a tempeh «meat sauce» and spicy mashed sweet potatoes, which make it kinda «cheesy» tasting.
The trade - off is the full, sweet, nutty taste of unadulterated whole wheat, which is enhanced when the bread is toasted.
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