Sentences with phrase «sweet than fructose»

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Do you give your kids sugar in any form — including honey, agave nectar (which is actually higher in fructose than high fructose corn syrup and is incredibly damaging to the body and arteries), or any other «healthy» sweet alternative?
Fructose, approximately 20 % sweeter than sucrose, is abundant in fruits, as are other sugars.
Agave syrup is sweeter than sugar and thinner than honey — but it can also be filled with fructose and calories, so use it sparingly.
Pure maple syrup and raw honey will provide a sweeter flavour and while they contain more fructose than rice syrup, they also contain other beneficial nutrients.
This wouldn't be a big deal, but food these days is loaded with sugars — including fructose, which in its purest form, happens to be 70 % sweeter than table sugar, making it more addictive.
For example, the structure of fructose makes it sweeter than glucose and galactose, but also decreases its absorption compared to glucose and galactose.
For example, fructose is almost twice as sweet as sucrose and sucrose is approximately 30 % sweeter than glucose.
not sure if anyone mentioned this, best phrased by peat himself:» I encourage people to eat sweet fruits, rather than starches, if they want to increase their production of cholesterol, since fructose has that effect.»
Unlike most fruits, whose sweetness comes from fructose, Monk Fruit's sweetness comes from natural mogrosides that are much sweeter than sugar.
Consequently, sources of high - fructose carbohydrates, such as fruit and sweets, are less than optimal for the task.
Honey (21 calories per teaspoon) Sugar sources: Fructose (around 38 percent), glucose (about 30 percent), sucrose, maltose, trehalse, and turanose Sweetness: Up to 50 times sweeter than granulated sugar Honey contains antioxidants — and the darker the honey (such as buckwheat), the more disease - fighting antioxidants it's likely to contain.
Agave syrup (21 calories per teaspoon) Sugar sources: Fructose (aka fruit sugar, 55 to 90 percent) and glucose Sweetness: Up to 40 percent sweeter than granulated sugar Slightly runnier than honey, agave syrup comes from the sap of the same agave plant used to make tequila.
High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) or corn syrup is a dangerously concentrated cheaper - than - sugar sweetener used in sodas and other processed foods, some of which are not even sweet.
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