Sentences with phrase «swelling around»

For some, healing takes just a matter of weeks as the swelling around the spine goes down and proper function is restored.
Get thee to a doctor immediately if you have symptoms that may be a sign of a serious infection, including: Pain or swelling around your eyes: swollen forehead; severe headache; confusion; double vision or other vision changes; stiff neck; or shortness of breath.
The music in Dear Esther is lush and expressive, swelling around long moments of nothing but wind and rustle.
The «fat legs» are caused by a swelling around the bones (or lack thereof), which is also related to the lack of bone - building calcium.
These reactions may include hives, redness, itching and licking at the site, swelling around the eyes, vomiting, difficulty breathing and collapsing.
Symptoms include the appearance of a red line or swelling around the tooth line, which can progress up the gums, and / or to the rest of the oral cavity and tongue.
Frequent itching, swelling around the eyes and hives are all signs of an allergic reaction.
Some signs of dental problems include: bad breath, teeth that are discolored or covered in tartar, abnormal chewing, drooling, or dropping food from the mouth, reduced appetite or refusal to eat, pain in or around the mouth, and bleeding or swelling around the mouth.
There was swelling around Meryl's mouth and jaw, and it was spreading toward her eyes.
Beyond diarrhea you might see swelling around the anus.
Indications that your pet may need dental surgery include bad breath, refusing to eat hard food or treats, jaw chattering,..., pawing at their mouth, excessive drooling and swelling around the face.
Ununited anconeal processes show up much better on X-rays than OCD or fragmented coronoid processes and there is usually more swelling around the joint, too.
But if a kitten has yellow or green discharge, or swelling around the eyes (making it hard for him to open his eyes), or the third eyelid is showing, you need to contact the foster coordinator to schedule a vet appointment.
Diffenbachia: Symptoms of Diffenbachia poisoning gastrointestinal upset, breathing problems, difficulty swallowing, swelling around the mouth.
Some allergic reactions can progress to facial swelling, swelling around the airway and difficulty breathing.
Humans may experience swelling around the eyes.
For insect stings, swelling around the head / neck area should always be checked by a veterinary surgeon, as should any sting causing lameness or pain in the area.
If Bailey develops any other symptoms like fever, swelling around the incision site, discharge from the incision or vagina or any other worrying symptom contact your Veterinarian immediately.
Redness and swelling around the eyes, excessive watering and squinting are all symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, and this may also be accompanied by discharge, which can vary from clear and watery to thick and greenish.
I took my 15 year old parakeet to him because of swelling around the eyes.
Changes in chewing, appetite or behavior, reluctance to eat or play with toys, audible chattering of teeth when chewing, bleeding gums, swelling around the mouth, drooling, and unusual breath odor and, specifically for cats, improper or cessation of grooming, could be symptoms of oral pain, an abscess, or other conditions that need to be addressed.
This type of treatment involves confining the affected animal to a cage or small area for four to six weeks and using anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling around the spinal cord.
Swelling around the neck: Lumps may occur around the neck caused by infection and abscess formation in the lymph nodes of the neck.
Serious adverse reactions to vaccinations include persistent vomiting or diarrhea, skin rash, swelling around the face, severe coughing, difficulty breathing, collapse and autoimmune disease.
Pawing at the mouth, abnormal drooling, mouth tenderness, facial inflammation, obvious oral bleeding, sneezing, nasal discharge and swelling around the eyes are also indicators of mouth problems.
Indications that your pet might be in need of dental care would include the presence of a red stripe along the gum line, unpleasant odor from the mouth, reluctance to chew, change in chewing behaviors, inability to see the teeth due to calculus accumulation, reluctance to allow home care, broken teeth, discolored teeth, loose teeth, draining or swelling around the face or jaw, decreased appetite, swellings or enlargements of the oral tissues, difficulty in swallowing, rubbing the face with a paw (sometimes resulting in eye irritation), rubbing the face on the carpet, and other signs as well.
Symptoms include sneezing, nasal congestion, discharge from the nose and eyes, conjunctivitis (or red eye), swelling around the eyes, eye ulcers, fever, depression, loss of appetite, drooling, and lethargy.
Discomfort or swelling around the eyes can mean infection to the eyelids and tear ducts.
For example, when you get stung by something you will usually notice local swelling around that spot.
The swelling around the site of fracture may prevent a proper diagnosis by X-ray if taken within the first two weeks of injury.
As I've mentioned before, short - term, temporary inflammation like swelling around wounds or sprains is typically good because it means our immune systems are doing their jobs.
When the kidneys aren't functioning properly, people can develop swelling around the ankles and eyes (edema), blood in the urine, or weigh gain.
It rids the body of excess water weight, relieves swelling around joints and alleviates edema.
Other symptoms include fluctuating body temperature, increased heart rate, and swelling around the ankles.
Tenderness and swelling around the joint; sharp pain when you move.
That's especially true if you or your child's symptoms include fever, pain in the face and neck, vision problems, or redness or swelling around the eyes.
If you notice blood in your poop or on the toilet paper, or itching and swelling around your anus, you may have hemorrhoids.
The researchers report mild side effects, such as swelling around the injection site and mild to moderate flu symptoms in some participants within a week of getting the vaccine.
There's all kinds of stories swelling around his disappearance, so much so that people in Italy for a while were reporting Majorana sightings like Elvis sightings in America.
Doctors have known for decades that most general anesthetics may cause a temporary burning sensation when administered or swelling around the injection site.
Tendon injuries can include tendonitis or swelling around the tendons.
It is common for there to be some swelling around your baby's eyes.
An ingrown fingernail usually causes redness and swelling around the edge of the nail and might cause a buildup of pus at the cuticle.
Allergies produce symptoms such as headaches, rash, and indigestion to vomiting, swelling around the face or mouth or diarrhea.
Contact your pediatrician immediately if the congestion is combined with swelling around the eyes, cheeks or along the forehead; white or yellow spots in the throat; gray or green mucus; or congestion that lasts longer than two weeks.
Temporary bruising, redness or swelling around an IV site caused by leakage of IV fluid out of a vein and under the skin.
Cold compresses (3) may feel very comforting and reduce any swelling around the milk glands and ducts.
Some will also experience swelling around the incision from a cesarean delivery, or at the perineum if there was an episiotomy or tear.
Common symptoms of an allergic reaction include itchy red spots or patches, swelling around the lips or eyes, or vomiting within two hours of eating the recently introduced food.
The compression will increase blood flow to that area and help reduce the swelling around your incision.
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