Sentences with phrase «swept under the rug»

As fears of a global trade war capture the attention of investors, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is turning a watchful eye to something that has been largely swept under the rug: the Federal Reserve's unprecedented monetary tightening and the impact it could have on markets.
Janie says women who have gone through what she has should not «sweep it under the rug and pretend like nothing happened.»
If you miss on a key performance indicator or you get critical product feedback from a customer that could improve your business, don't hide it or sweep it under the rug.
Being able to recognize her weaknesses and working to improve them will go a lot further on the job than trying to sweep them under the rug.
Leaders shouldn't tolerate this kind of harmful behavior — it's not something that can be swept under the rug.
«If we had not taken that risk — or swept it under the rug — no one would have known.»
«They actually just basically swept it under the rug and said, «OK, we're done.
The driver in 2014 is reinvention: What was brand new a short time ago gets transformed again, or else swept under the rug for even better applications.
It's not U.S. Soccer's responsibility to discipline Lochte, but there have been other instances with male athletes which the organization has all but swept under the rug.
That the NRA can no longer sweep us under the rug.
Ignoring them and sweeping them under the rug will only make the rug a little bumpy.
Another shift of the news to distract from bigger issues that this administration wants swept under the rug?
«We work hard to create an environment where mistakes aren't swept under the rug but are surfaced and examined right away.
esense — Don't you mean «swept under the rug» rather than «water under the bridge»?
That music can not be swept under the rug for your comfort without creating a generation of students who are ignorant of music history.
If scientists come to the conclusion of intelligent design, you think they're going to sweep it under the rug?
I've asked some of them this same question and their response for the most part has just been avoidance... they get a bit uncomfortable and just kinda sweep it under the rug.
Instead of sweeping it under the rug, or passing out drugs, we need to start having hard conversations, taking hard looks at ourselves, and move outside our bubble to each improve ourselves... and hold one another accountable in a loving way.
But others have never heard of that bit of «revelation» (it's been swept under the rug like their racist teachings.)
You know those private schools can have a lot of bullying that is swept under the rug.
Two of her classmates have also said the same individual sexually assaulted them, but despite the pleas to school officials and police, he has not been expelled, and according to New York Magazine, «all of their claims were swept under the rug
If you can't stand the Truth sweep it under the rug and call it hatred or bigotry.
But I don't get that — I just see him eagerly just snuffing out any information or just sweeping it under the rug.
I don't want to see anything swept under any rugs — I feel like anyone accusing me of this must be mis - reading me — either willfully, or because you've become so swept up into one way of reading this online discourse, that you feel any divergent view must be swiftly — and shrilly — dispatched.
That is affirming lies and sweeping them under a rug.
The President has faced criticism in recent months for acknowledging that American history, and indeed Christian history, includes racism, violence, injustice, and oppression — particularly against minority and indigenous people — a reality some would rather sweep under the rug.
Marriages often have difficulty that is swept under the rug... and a third - party counselor can be very helpful to explore those difficulties, differences, and to «hear» each other.
Perhaps Christians would be stronger, better, people if they would confess to those that they wronged directly, instead of sweeping it under the rug they call confession.
We can not sweep it under the rug.
When new evidence comes to light they just sweep it under the rug just like abusing the children.
His comment speaks loudly of the abuse that is swept under the rug time after time, year after year.
This is not going to go away and the catholics can not just sweep it under a rug like they have done in the past.
I would posit that, based on the many stories I hear from women who have left evangelical churches, it's far more likely that abuse is flourishing in patriarchal homes and churches where women are given little voice and little recourse; it's just getting swept under the rug rather than named and confronted.
I wonder how may lesbian / female scandals are being swept under the rug.
«The Art of Sweeping Under the Rug,» scene two, portrays daily life and working environments, erupting in smoothed - over anxieties.
Not to mention the pedophile priests that get away because the Vatican sweeps it under the rug.
If only these inconsistencies were not swept under the rug or abruptly explained, but brought out into the open, so that those of us who struggle with them would not have to do so in secret!
Since all of these pedo priest stories can no longer be swept under the rug, the rules have changed.
Anywhere, in fact, where religion is the central topic, it seems that the polemical dimensions of the intellectual life are swept under the rug, or treated as the kind of embarrassment that reasonable people ought to pretend isn't there.
Birth control is a sin but pediphelia is swept under the rug?
Playing it off as «oh it was standard» is not only ignoring the actual chapter, but it also shows how so many people are somehow able to sweep under the rug something that under any other circu.mstances would be something that they condemn.
The rights movement leaders should recognize this instead of sweeping it under the rug or even worse, promoting it as a good expression.
We both think the evidence is good that prominent evolutionists have joined with equally prominent theologians and religious leaders to sweep under the rug the incompatibilities of evolution and religion, and we both deplore this strategy.
That just sweeps it under the rug.
Must I ramble of a list of low class white people who commit crimes and get gets swept under the rug?
Truth speaks loud and is made to be heard not hidden and swept under the rug.
The goal shouldn't be to prevent those feelings, or even to suppress them by sweeping them under the rug.
Students are sometimes uneasy with the current existentialist approach to the Bible because they sense that the issues of «Science and the Bible» have been swept under the rug.
We find ourselves having private conversations about our pains, only to sweep it under the rug once we find temporary relief — or distraction.
Instead of EDUCATING our youth about it like we do crossing the street, we sweep it under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist.
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