Sentences with phrase «swing producer»

It is the sole swing producer with significant capacity to increase output, and therefore it controls the world price.
With global oil markets currently heavily oversupplied and US shale looking likely to take the position of swing producer in the short term, does the US or world really need more oil?
OPEC took over as the supply regulator in the early 1970s but succeeded only when Saudi Arabia was willing to play swing producer, bearing the brunt of supply cuts or increases to balance the market.
While we believe that current energy market fundamentals justify an oil price of $ 50 or above, we also note that productivity gains in US shale fields have increased the elasticity of supply from these critical swing producers, a factor that could cap any significant price appreciation.
It may have effectively turned LTO into the new swing producer, but it will not drive it out of the market.
US production, now the world's largest swing producer, driven by a decade of shale oil growth, has remained steady despite a significant decline in drilling activity.
The Saudis retaliated, not by playing its historic role of swing producer and putting the brakes on oil output, instead deciding to pump as fast as possible.
In 1986, OPEC decided to increase production to protect market share, abandoning its role as «swing producer
«If the United States, with its wide - open and decentralized oil industry, can act as the swing producer, the global oil market can function as a genuinely competitive market.»
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