Sentences with phrase «swings in a given week»

Even a veteran of the stock market is unlikely to have the stomach for consistent 25 % price swings in a given week.

Not exact matches

I gave up tonight, too emotionally exhausted, and he's in the swing now (but still wide awake)... I start trying to put my baby to bed around 8 pm or 9 pm usually, but these few weeks he falls asleep only way after midnight, whether I CIO or not.
I have both my blogs in full swing for the party and I hope everyone stops by to say HI and be entered to win one of 5 + prizes I'll be giving away this week!
He also seems to like vibration like Annabelle did, but not so much swinging in the swing.We had a couple of rough nights that first week, with him feeding every couple hours and / or being awake and hard to get back to sleep (so I was only getting an hour of sleep here and there) but the last several nights, he's given me one 3 - hour stretch of sleep and gone right back to sleep after nursing.
While Christmas is about so much more than presents — gift buying, wrapping and giving is in full swing this week.
Both candidates were seen relatively well by voters, given that the campaign — with lots of negative ads — has been in full swing for weeks now.
It's fine to give yourself a break for a couple of weeks, and then get back in the swing of things once you have more free time.
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