Sentences with phrase «swishing through»

Husband was cacking himself (with laughter) when I slouched back to the car (praying my wet ankles were the result of swishing through damp grass, not poor aim).
The larger the load, the more urine and poop will be swishing through the water and the less it will be able to be rinsed from the diapers.
For the others, the ones with that Rock Around the Clock gleam in their eyes and combs forever swishing through their hair, it is «full of kicks, man.»
Ten - minute dinner: farfalle with Italian tuna, frozen peas swished through the pasta water, minced red onion, fresh black pepper, a swirl of olive oil and, if available, a handful of chopped parsley and chive.
Getting your load size correct will help a lot so the diapers swish through correctly.
According to the theory behind shear thinning, as an object swishes through these droplets more vigorously, it should begin slicing through individual droplets and hence feel less resistance.
YOU would think it would be hard to miss, but the formidable snout of the sawfish has evolved to be undetectable to prey as it swishes through water.
The quiet electric boats are easy to control, and allow you to enjoy the ambient sounds as you swish through downtown waterways, taking in the sights.
«One possibility is that the old simile describes the whistling sound of a sword as it swishes through the air to decapitate someone, and an early nineteenth - century quotation suggests this connection: a first - rate shot, his head taken off as clean as a whistle.»?»
The biggest difference is that, rather than folders, you get tiles that you can swish through in a similar fashion to webOS and Android.
From July through August almost 60,000 belugas swish through the blue of the Hudson Bay, playing in the riverine estuaries and birthing their young.
There is, however, feelings that stay with you, born of hair - raising, sweat - inducing moments of panic as you deftly swish through a series of tight gaps.

Not exact matches

«Together for 13 years, Smith is on morning duty, making breakfast and driving [the kids] to school; Swisher takes the after school through dinner shift.
Drop in the spinach and swish it around a few times so it deposits any sand and grit before lifting it out of the bowl (leaving any grit / dirt at the bottom of the bowl and not dragging the clean leaves through it) and drop it in a colander.
It is possible to lose additional weight through restricting calories while you are breastfeeding, but the current recommendation is that the diet not include fewer than 1800 calories per day (Lauwers & Swisher, 2011).
The room was silent now, no beeping monitors, no swishing sound of her oxygen flowing from the pump in through her nasal prongs breathing in life, just the whirring of the breast pump as I sat down to express Olivia's breast milk, milk she would never need again, never drink.
This gentle swishing mimics the motion of a washing machine and allows the soap to pass through the wool and remove dirt or impurities.
Swish the cover gently through the water to make sure the lanolin is in the wool.
Gently swish & squish the wool to work the soap through the fibers and let it soak overnight.
If Swisher can carry his career - year through the second half, we could see the Yankees offense become even more potent.
That particle beam stirs up electrons in the 2 - D sheet, making the electrons swish back and forth through the material.
To do this without a brain or nervous system, says Ken Showalter, a chemist at West Virginia University, the organism relies on proteins and nutrients that «swish back and forth» through the cell to communicate the location of the food and allow the organism to change shape.
Their bodies are diaphanous commas afloat in the oceans: a blob of a head attached to a long tail that swishes water through its house.
When I heard that oil pulling required a solid 20 minutes of swishing and pressing the oil through your teeth, I thought, forget about it!
What you do is take about a teaspoon of the oil and swish it around in your mouth and through your teeth for 15 minutes.
Slowly swish the oil in your mouth, sipping and sucking it through your teeth for up to 25 mins.
This is an Ayurvedic technique of swishing coconut oil, through the oral environment in order to balance the oral microbiome.
Swishing with coconut oil helps remove toxins from your system as you pull the oil through your teeth and gums.
Basically one takes about a teaspoon of oil into the mouth and swishes and «pulls» the oil around through one's teeth.
Keeping your lips closed, swish the oil around in your mouth and pull through your teeth allowing the oil to go over every surface inside our mouth.
Move Oil Slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr. Karach puts it as» sip, suck and pull through the teeth» for fifteen... [Read More...]
Though the swishing and the oil made my teeth feel smooth to the touch, they almost felt slimy and I couldn't shake the thought that perhaps all the bacteria I loosened through swishing was still lingering in my mouth since I wasn't left with the after burn of typical mouth wash.
So, if you're about to enjoy a sour smoothie, drinking through a straw, avoiding swishing the smoothie in your mouth, and rinsing your mouth with water after drinking a sour smoothie may assist in reducing tooth enamel erosion.
Oil pulling involves swishing oil in your mouth for a sustained amount of time, giving it a chance to cut through plaque and buildup while leaving your tooth enamel intact.
2 Malco Modes: Despite the numerous crinolines that have swished and swirled their way through my life, two of my all time favorites have come from Malco Modes.
Within minutes of swishing down the sidewalk, I fell head over heels in love and instead of feeling like Jasmine, I felt chic and graceful, strutting through the Soho streets.
Whether you're happiest logging miles on your mountain bike, swishing down the ski slopes, or fighting your way through rapids in your kayak, those experiences will be even more enjoyable when you share them with the right person.
Heidi seems to find the beauty in small things; a pair of red gloves, glitter on a birthday card, looking through purple goggle lenses, dead leaves swishing about from the steps.
First - time film director Phyllida Lloyd, who also directed the original London show, creates constant visual distraction with swish pans and unmotivated zooms, but her reliance on too - frequent close - ups proves a fatal visual strategy in a genre that functions entirely through movement and spectacle.
The swish of cars crossing the bridge and the susurrations of secret policemen come to her through the darkness.
While I was browsing through Twitter earlier today for BlackBerry news I came across the below Tweet from Arsenal soccer player Mesut Özil sporting his rather swish looking red BlackBerry Passport.
Earlier this evening we sat through the live blog where Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher put Research In Motions Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis in the hot seat to ask the questions a lot of folks were wondering about.
Tall louvered mahogany windows usher sunshine and sea breezes through the airy living spaces while the relaxing swish of the ocean percolates every room.
During the day, the wind rustles through the leaves of the trees, grass swishes under your feet, and the occasional crunch of a branch makes you worried that something will run up and attack you.
Linda Hutchins, Left Hand Swish, 2011 India ink on watercolor paper 11 x 17 inches April 4 - 27, 2011 The exhibit, Through Line, includes new drawings as well as sewn organza sculptures and typewritten works.
The impression left on the beads of visitors» bodies as they passed through, then the swishing of the beads as bodies disappeared to the other side truly struck me.
You would also be asked personal questions you would need to answer as you work through the Municipal Judge, City of Happy Swisher online defensive driving course.
Is there any way I can take the Municipal Judge, City of Kress Swisher defensive driving course offers over the internet on several different computers as I work through it?
A Justice of the Peace Countywide Swisher driver has much to gain by keeping a clean driving record through participation in a Justice of the Peace Countywide Swisher online driver safety program such as those offered by, beyond simply avoiding a suspended license.
I don't want to suffer the extreme boredom of sitting through a long Municipal Judge, City of Kress Swisher defensive driving course / insurance reduction course in a classroom just to save some money on my car insurance.
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