Sentences with phrase «symbol of death»

This central symbol of death and resurrection is a metaphor for the internal, psychological spiritual path means that the born - again experience is at the very center of the Christian life.
Her work references the 19th - century tradition of hairwork, in which family members and artisans would fashion the hair of the deceased into intricate jewelry and other objects as symbols of death and rebirth.
The Christian faith is the only world religion that takes as its logo an emphatic symbol of death.
The cross has become a universally accepted symbol of death and mourning even in mostly non christian countries.
So why should I use a symbol of death to represent living Christ?
The old cross is a symbol of death.
To a Christian, the cross is a symbol of death.
«Life is saved by the symbol of death,» Sister Christine explained in English class, but I was not too sure.
This is clearly the meaning of the sign of Jonah in Jesus» mind, but Matthew, like many other Christians since, can think only of the ~ whale» when he thinks of Jonah, and so he adds his own interpretation of the sign of Jonah, using the prophet's sojourn in the belly of the great fish as a symbol of the death and resurrection.
They revere this symbol of death just as much as they revere the chains that bind them.
Well as I see it the cross was a symbol of death.
White is «the vestment of pure joy and immaculate purity,» while black represents the «greatest and most profound mourning [as all symbol of death
As St. Francis stands with the symbols of death and self - sacrifice in his hands, so stands every life of faith.
It is a symbol of death.
The snake is a symbol of both death and transformation as well as healing.
I know it's all in the name of science, and that's important - but sometimes scientists are so heartless - I mean Pluto is sco cool, Lord of the Underworld, symbol of death, Pluto has a legion of Goth fans.
Crows have long been a symbol of death and are often the consort of witches.
I don't see the tree as a symbol of death - I see it as a symbol of growth and strength.
You've talked about the crow as being the symbol of death, not just about it being the symbol of Jim Crow.
For Still, black was a warm, generative color, rather than a symbol of death, and he often used it in large expanses.
You exhale, and it's kind of a symbol of death.
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