Sentences with phrase «symbol of femininity»

But what about the modern symbols of femininity: the lipstick, the push - up bras and the 50 brands of hair - styling product?
Beyond this, breasts are an instantly recognizable symbol of femininity and a vital part of our beings.
The tie can be worn long as a single knot on casual days for a classy style with jeans and a brown corduroy blazer, or tied in a loose bow to create an eye - catching symbol of femininity amidst a sombre black trouser suit.
They are no doubt a strong symbol of femininity and elegance.
Bear in mind that every women starts to wear a pair of earrings from its childhood, so what another perfect argument we can find for considering best symbol of femininity?
There is no doubt that earrings are a perfect symbol of femininity.
Amaluna is a fusion of the words ama, which refers to «mother» in many languages, and luna, which means «moon»; a symbol of femininity that evokes both the mother - daughter relationship and the idea of goddess and protector of the planet.
When speaking to us, Anissa Kermiche explained that her collections are a celebration of womanhood and the circle, a recurring motif, is a symbol of femininity.
It's a symbol of femininity and self - confidence.
They represent without any doubt the symbol of femininity and are mentioned in various documents since the earliest times.
But a wrap dress is more than just a dress, it's a symbol of femininity.
A dress is the symbol of femininity.
One is a work clearly made from the backs of bras, here used as graphic geometric patterns, another symbol of femininity used by Bourgeois, who amongst all 20th century artists was a pioneer who made materials such as textiles appropriate to be used in fine art.
Lady Garden plays with the cliché of the flower as a symbol of femininity and innocence, however Goodman's flowers have cavernous throats and protruding tongues and create an uncomfortable push - pull between the seductiveness of the shiny, slick flower forms and the visceral, abject nature of the false nails from which they are made.
Rhinestones — the artist's signature material and a symbol of femininity — serve as an added layer of meaning and a metaphor of artifice.
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