Sentences with phrase «symbol of wealth»

The dogs were presented to the wives as gifts, and they rapidly became symbols of wealth in the island nation.
The latest model of a high - end brand is the classic status symbol of wealth and prestige.
Formula - feeding had become a state symbol of wealth, and physicians were supporting that formula - feeding was superior to breastfeeding.
In the book The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts, money is described as «a mere symbol of wealth».
Symbols of wealth do nothing to make a date feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence.
It's not the original medium of exchange — many things have been used as money throughout civilization, from seashells to giant obelisks — but gold, perhaps more than anything, has long stood as the universal symbol of wealth.
Shaffer's work attempts to deconstruct a contemporary consumerist ethos built around increasingly reified symbols of wealth and status.
In Ms. Morris» artist statement, she describes her latest series: «In my current body of work, I attempt to paint a more flawed and vulnerable experience into these projections of the American dream, shifting the focus from symbols of wealth and prestige to more human questions about balance, control, and fulfillment.
Often contrasting symbols of wealth and of ephemerality, her images can be understood as contemporary interpretations of Vanitas still - lifes.
Employing inexpensive materials, such as enamel paint, papier - mâché, or acrylic on canvas, to reconstruct lacquered mahogany, gilded ornaments, and marble surfaces, Lowe transforms the once intimidating status symbols of wealth into easily accessible and disarmingly cartoonish props.
On holidays, at funerals, and in simple everyday rituals aimed at venerating gods and ancestors, Taoists (and a number of other Asian religious groups) burn symbols of wealth.
As the middle class grows, which we all welcome and support, in many nations items like ivory or rhinoceros horn become symbols of wealth and social status.
That's a big bet considering gold in India is a status symbol of wealth, and is widely used for wedding gifts, religious donations and as an investment.
As we walked in the shadow of this great structure, I was reminded of Jesus being born in Bethlehem, literally in the shadow of the Herodian, one of Herod's palaces and a symbol of the wealth and might of the Roman Empire.
Because the ships of Tarshish carried such great riches, they became symbols of wealth, power, and pride.»
By 1000AD, wearing knitted socks was a symbol of wealth and nobility.
Channel the chi A minifountain on your shelf or desk taps into the Chinese practice of feng shui balance; moving water is a symbol of wealth and empowerment.
What used to be a symbol of wealth and status is now an extremely accessible, chic fashion statement for fall.
Well don't forget that in a few cultures, such as India gold is very much a symbol of wealth and prestige.
Many see it as a symbol of both wealth and affection.
The rapid growth of the Indian economy, coupled with a rich cultural tradition that values gold as a symbol of wealth, along with a sudden rise in «wealthy» people due to the economy and influx of foreign cash, has resulted in skyrocketing demand for gold from India, and this large «consumption» demand is the most likely explanation for the sudden rise in the price of gold over the last several years.
An ancient breed initially used for herding and protection, the Tibetan Mastiff was once a symbol of wealth in China, carrying exorbitant price tags of as high as 1.2 million pounds (S$ 2.4 million).
This enchanting white dog was considered by many women a symbol of wealth.
The breed has often been a symbol of wealth, and appears in many Renaissance paintings.
Instead of sentient creatures, these animals have become novelties or a symbol of wealth and status.
The paint is a symbol of wealth, having started in the 19th century with the use of ochre transported from France.
Explore the role of dogs in the exhibition, from family member to a symbol of wealth.
Donald Judd, for example, why would he be considered a symbol of wealth, but then a German Gothic sculpture by Master H.L. is considered less desirable?
Through the centuries, it has conjured emotions such as love, lust, and rage, and served as a symbol of wealth, war, revolution, and religious sacrifice.
This winter, the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) presents The Horse in Ancient Greek Art, a ground - breaking exhibition that explores the Greeks» fascination with an animal that served as a symbol of wealth, power, and status in ways that are recognizable and familiar even today.
In his paintings, Hiro is particularly interested in the symbols of wealth and power — two essential features that he uses both in portraiture and still life, from the ancient Rome to the contemporary age of celebrity.
The ubiquitous vehicle is not scrutinised for its monstrous reality and current car branding still sells a lifestyle as a symbol of wealth, glamour and independence.
How has wasting electricity become a symbol of wealth?
Soon, France and England had jumped onto the area rug bandwagon, and custom - made rugs soon become a symbol of wealth and prestige throughout Europe.
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