Sentences with phrase «symbol system»

A "symbol system" refers to a collection of symbols or signs that have a specific meaning or represent certain ideas or concepts. It is used to communicate messages or information. Full definition
It continued to function in continuity with the mythical symbol systems of the past, as the foundation of meaning and communal unity and the magical means of obtaining desired goods.
Such criticism is necessary because religious people often claim that their own symbol systems adequately represent reality.
The more the whole culture of a city is based on a rich, expressive symbol system, the more significant it is.
But with the rise of civilization, as we have seen, increasingly important areas of life came to be governed by an alternate symbol system.
Intelligences use different symbol systems in the mind.
When the thickly clotted symbol system of a pre-urban society is replaced by a highly differentiated and individuated urban culture, modalities of religious experience shift.
A heart symbol system was introduced in 2000 by the Finnish Heart Foundation and the Finnish Diabetes Foundation.
«Although I am an atheist, I respect all religions and take them seriously as vast symbol systems containing deep truth about human existence.
Thus the ultimate goad of Christian faith is not to maintain one symbol system alongside others, or one pattern of beliefs and actions alongside others, as pluralists seems to say.
Haltingly, and in spurts, a new global symbol system is coming into view.
For in rejecting a culture's gods by rejecting the language used to characterize them, a mystic is implicitly rejecting an entire symbol system, including the projection of that system into the culture's institutions.
The need for some overarching symbol system can be fulfilled in a variety of ways: through personal philosophies of life, scientific worldviews, secular philosophies such as Marxism or nihilism, or commonsense ideas about luck and fate.
The nation became its own unifying symbol system, the chief bestower of identity and purpose.»
Symbol systems expose the structures of oppression (33) and therefore serve the political process, but the institutions themselves also need to be changed.
The psychological theory underpinning this kind of research is most often functionalism, which sees all voluntary human activity as motivated by the desire to find out what is going on, by the need to get along with others, and by the urge to work out internal conflicts through some external symbol system.
They believe that earlier, Protestant - dominated small - town America was run by people who had access to a more coherent Puritan - Republican symbol system.
New visions of qualitative relatedness must be grasped and communicated through appropriate and comprehensive symbol systems.
In Mexico, however, there seems to be less diversity and less movement toward a differentiated symbol system.
In Moltmann, the emphasis is on the Christian symbol system and how it shapes Christian existence in the present.
Instead they present Christianity as one symbol system among others within which the church calls us to live and think
For a person to be literate in the 21st century, he or she must master symbol systems — the visual, electronic, and digital forms of expression so overwhelmingly present in today's culture.
This act of capturing meaning in multiple symbol systems and then vacillating from one medium to another is called transmediation.
Literacy also includes «a complex set of abilities needed to understand and use the dominant symbol systems of a culture — alphabets, numbers, visual icons — for personal and community development» 1.
There are questions around the individual criteria, for example, do all intelligences involve symbol systems; how the criteria to be applied; and why these particular criteria are relevant.
He had visited Egypt, and he admired as well science, with its rich symbol system.
Reading Between the Lines surveys the contemporary artist's use of language and symbol systems in their work to convey a particular way of seeing.
We're talking other people's language, standing there eye - to - eye with Parthians, Medes, Pamphylians, Romans, Cretans, Arabians, telling them about the wholeness God gives, putting it in their own thought frame, their own symbol system, their own language.
Next we have a «thickly clotted symbol system,» which at first seems to hold interesting possibilities.
Starting with a hypothetical individual who experiences a requirement for some form of all - embracing meaning, Berger imagines the emergence of a religious symbol system as a result of this individual interacting with others in similar circumstances.
Whatever else it is, religion is a symbol system and to change the symbols is to change the meaning that religion expresses.
The more a city at all levels has a well - defined ritual and symbol system, the more humane, noble, and beautiful it is.
Berger uses the term «symbolic universe» to refer to symbols or symbol systems that are concerned with providing meaning to reality in the most encompassing sense.
This assertion is not meant to imply that religion is either false or ultimately nothing more than the fabrication of human minds — indeed, Berger argues in other writings that the transcendent seems to break through humanly constructed worlds, as it were, from the outside, However, the social scientist must recognize the degree to which religion, like all symbol systems, involves human activity.
If a radical theologian informs us that only Christians know and celebrate the death of God, we want to know how this interpretation of Christianity is the correct interpretation of its symbol system.
Since these symbol systems in their most important expressions were social products, their communication and use placed some check upon the freedom of unconscious fantasy, and this is clear if we compare them with dreams.
Nevertheless, as long as the symbol system was determined by the unconscious, it did not alter the fundamental character of unconscious self - determination.
Because of their symbol systems, men have, at times, failed to respond to novel challenges and have preferred, instead, simply to be destroyed.
«I can't imagine that God doesn't reveal God's self in countless ways outside of the symbol system of Christianity.»
«God» has become, among many who follow Barth in his rejection of the use of philosophy, part of the symbol system that shapes the church and the believer's understanding of reality.
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