Sentences with phrase «symbolic play for»

The book begins with a review of research and a rationale for using tools consisting of symbolic play for younger children and the therapeutic use of symbols, drawing, and storytelling in order to create portals of entry to reach disconnected children.

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Itâ $ ™ s one of those rituals in which finance ministers feel obliged to partakeâ $» like kissing the Blarney for an Irishman, or suiting up and playing hockey for the Edmonton Oilersâ $» symbolic gestures,...
I long for a society in which modernity would have its full place but without implying the denial of elementary principles of human and familial ecology; for a society in which the diversity of ways of being, of living, and of desiring is accepted as fortunate, without allowing this diversity to be diluted in the reduction to the lowest common denominator, which effaces all differentiation; for a society in which, despite the technological deployment of virtual realities and the free play of critical intelligence, the simplest words — father, mother, spouse, parents — retain their meaning, at once symbolic and embodied; for a society in which children are welcomed and find their place, their whole place, without becoming objects that must be possessed at all costs, or pawns in a power struggle.
Although Dalit Christians joined their neighbors in various symbolic ways to indicate their unity in invoking the protection of the colony goddess for their community, they were reluctant to admit to their pastor that they played any significant role in the celebration of their Dalit religious heritage.
I long for a society in which modernity would have its full place, without implying the denial of elementary principles of human and familial ecology; for a society in which the diversity of ways of being, of living and of desiring is accepted as fortunate, without allowing this diversity to be diluted in the reduction to the lowest common denominator, which effaces all differentiation; for a society in which, despite the technological deployment of virtual realities and the free play of critical intelligence, the simplest words» father, mother, spouse, parents» retain their meaning, at once symbolic and embodied; for a society in which children are welcomed and find their place, their whole place, without becoming objects that must be possessed at all costs or a pawns in a power struggle.
Coming in four gorgeous styles, Wonder, Blossom, Play, and Discover, each pattern is symbolic for stages of childhood.
«A Policy Network pamphlet by four authors, including Anthony Painter and Hopi Sen, is called In the Black Labour, playing on the fashion for symbolic colours (Red Tories, Blue Labour, The Purple Book).
Written by Krzysztof Kieslowski and Krzysztof Piesiewicz, who collaborated for many fine films including the famous trilogy Three Colors: Blue, White and Red, the film plays its drama straighter than most of Tykwer's works until the last 20 minutes where he employs some of his more artistic and symbolic touches.
The drama starts when Konstantin puts on a heavily symbolic play with Nina to impress his mother, only for her and the rest of the audience to laugh off his self - serious message about the universe, or something.
Daniel's educational aide approaches him and, using a handmade schedule book with symbolic pictures, shows Daniel that this is not the time for playing.
Transposed into a gallery setting, the awnings become symbolic markers of transition and literally set the stage for a play that brings the real (the physical installation in the gallery) and the imaginary (the realm evoked through drawings, text, and audio) into conversation.
It features: a series of black - and - white photographs of elderly actors by Liu Zheng that play with conventions of ethnographic and opera photography; two videos by Chen Qiulin that make use of traditional opera characters to respond to changes wrought by the Three Gorges Dam; The Forbidden City (Zijincheng) by Liu Wei, a lyrical video of theatrical «glove puppets» (budai kuilei) shown publicly for the first time; and videos by Cui Xiuwen that connect to opera in more oblique ways, through performative elements and symbolic props, gestures, and costumes.
As symbolic objects, children have often stood in for innocence, free spiritedness and play.
Symbolic play uses skills that provide the basis for the ability to organise play, think things through, and cope with feelings.
Toddlers may play simple symbolic games on their own or occasionally for short times with another child, but it is not until the preschool years that children are able to manage more complex symbolic games; this continues and develops into middle childhood.
Setting up a play therapy office: Suggested toys for symbolic utilization Review of tape by Dr. John Allan and discussion
Play is an important vehicle for developing self - regulation as well as promoting language, cognition, and social competence... [Play] gives [children] opportunities to explore the world, interact with others, express and control emotions, develop their symbolic and problem - solving abilities, and practice emerging skills.
The toys used in play therapy are symbolic of the child's words or tools for expression.
This is an example of how toys provide safe objects for a child to play out their internal experiences in a symbolic manner.
A study of British children, aged 1 - 6 years, measured kids» capacity for symbolic play (Lewis et al 2000).
The main results can be summarized as follows: (1) Synchrony during early mother - child interactions has neurophysiological correlates [85] as evidenced though the study of vagal tone [78], cortisol levels [80], and skin conductance [79]; (2) Synchrony impacts infant's cognitive processing [64], school adjustment [86], learning of word - object relations [87], naming of object wholes more than object parts [88]; and IQ [67], [89]; (3) Synchrony is correlated with and / or predicts better adaptation overall (e.g., the capacity for empathy in adolescence [89]; symbolic play and internal state speech [77]; the relation between mind - related comments and attachment security [90], [91]; and mutual initiation and mutual compliance [74], [92]-RRB-; (3) Lack of synchrony is related to at risk individuals and / or temperamental difficulties such as home observation in identifying problem dyads [93], as well as mother - reported internalizing behaviors [94]; (4) Synchrony has been observable within several behavioral or sensorial modalities: smile strength and eye constriction [52]; tonal and temporal analysis of vocal interactions [95](although, the association between vocal interactions and synchrony differs between immigrant (lower synchrony) and non-immigrant groups [84]-RRB-; mutual gaze [96]; and coordinated movements [37]; (5) Each partner (including the infant) appears to play a role in restoring synchrony during interactions: children have coping behaviors for repairing interactive mismatches [97]; and infants are able to communicate intent and to respond to the intent expressed by the mother at the age of 2 months [98].
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