Sentences with phrase «symbolic reference as»

The description of the perception of both the lightning and the following thunder does not therefore have to be given in phenomenalist terms, nor does abandoning the phenomenalist description require Whitehead's second version of symbolic reference as the projection of a sensum on a spatial region to which it is causally related.
no there is no place called Armagddon that's why we no it is a symbolic reference as it pertains to location.

Not exact matches

Later, symbolic reference is alluded to as the theory «according to which our sensory perceptions stand as symbols for the activities in the external world» (PW 169/186).
Elements that appear problematic in light of the metaphysical reference will not of course be excised from the text but rather interpreted — i.e., recognized as highly analogical or symbolic elements.
As we shall see in the next section, Whitehead's principal version of symbolic reference becomes his means of relating images or sensa as directly perceived to the objects which cause theAs we shall see in the next section, Whitehead's principal version of symbolic reference becomes his means of relating images or sensa as directly perceived to the objects which cause theas directly perceived to the objects which cause them.
We can find, therefore, very general similarities between the use and interpretation of sentences at the linguistic level and primitive natural signs as characterized in Whitehead's first version of symbolic reference.
The inhibition of symbolic reference frees the conceptual element as exemplified in presentational immediacy from its exemplification in causal efficacy and thus frees the symbol to carry meanings other than those conveyed by the immediate past (ME 80; S 6, 83f).
It would be more correct to speak of texts as «straightforward descriptions» of an event or state of affairs, to use Kelsey's phrase, if one has in mind this notion, «symbolic reference,» in Whitehead's theory of perception, rather than «propositions,» as Kelsey does.
Both «symbolic reference» and «propositional feelings» have receptive and imaginative aspects; but, whereas Whitehead emphasized the former, cognitive aspect in his discussion of «symbolic referenceas a rebuttal to Hume and Kant, he emphasized the latter, creative aspect in his discussion of «propositions,» an emphasis needed to counter «the interest in logic, dominating over-intellectualized philosophers,» among whom «aesthetic delight» is eclipsed by «judgment» (cf. PR 184 - 86 and WH 33) In «symbolic reference» a dim, but indirect, mode of perception («causal efficacy») is combined with a clear, but indirect, mode of perception («presentational immediacy»), which produces a sense of the external world.
The separation of the two pure modes would then allow for focusing upon the actuality of this experience in the pure mode of causal efficacy rather than on the projected referents as we do in the normal thought processes of symbolic reference.
With the stopping of symbolic reference the connection between oneself as experienced through the causal influence of the world and the world of the ever fleeting present moment is lost.
To summarize, the theory of symbolic reference supports the view of a percipient event as a working through of various (potentially creative) imaginative interpretations.
It is the function of religion (as well as other forms of symbolic reference) to restore this concreteness to us.
Whitehead claims that in common sense and in traditional philosophies direct perceptions in the mode of causal efficacy are overlooked (PR 184).4 As a result, direct experience is identified with perceptions of presentational immediacy or perceptions in the mixed mode of symbolic reference.
Because symbolic reference is often not recognized as an interpretative synthesis but mistakenly viewed as a pure perception, a society can fail to recognize the need for critical evaluation of the ways it understands experience.
In similar fashion Whitehead's theory of symbolic reference implies that Picasso, as a master of visual experience, knows how to control the symbolic medium of the canvas to create desired visual effects on the viewers of his work.
In particular his theory of symbolic reference undermines our tendency to think of creative expression as a simple», direct display of feeling.
8I take PR II.4.5 - 9 («Organisms and Environment») and II.8 («Symbolic Reference») to constitute together Whitehead's original treatise on the two modes of perception, and the first two chapters of Symbolism (S) to be a rewriting of this material suitable for delivery as lectures.
Further, the earth was referred to as a sphere and any reference to 4 corners was simply a mid eastern symbolic term as to all encompasing.
Evidence in support of the first hypothesis would need to cite demonstrations of how symbolic reference, as used by humans, could evolve from functional reference, as observed in other animal communication systems.
But even without knowing these references, District 9 can be easily interpreted as symbolic of any country's dark past (or present) where one race dominated and oppressed another (like Native Americans, Australian Aboriginals, European Jews, etc, etc).
While these sort of heavy - handed references might work in the knowing artifice of one of the Matrix movies, as a real - world premise for our near future, it seems a bit too rooted in self - awareness to not continuously take us out of the moment for extended ruminations of symbolic reflection.
[117][118] Toyota chose the name «Scepter» as a reference to the Camry / Crown naming tradition, as a «scepter» is a symbolic ornamental staff held by a ruling monarch, a prominent item of royal regalia.
Like many people when I was young I thought that the Underground Railroad was an actual railroad then as I got older and learned that it wasn't a literal reference but rather a symbolic one.
Dominating the space, Gilbert & George appear in The Beard Pictures as looming, otherworldly figures masked by surreal and symbolic beards; referencing beards not only as an emblem of millennial youth, but also as a mark of religious faith and social status.
Though its meaning is open to interpretation, the song is commonly read as a symbolic reference to the nations that have suppressed Israel throughout history,
Bartlett uses the symbolic power we associate with the sea, its sublimity, as a foundation on which to develop a series of paintings which reference Read More»
Vessels such as vases and urns, cowrie shells, huts, and busts are recurring forms, each making symbolic reference to the black female body.
Gilbert & George appear in THE BEARD PICTURES as looming, otherworldly figures masked by surreal and symbolic beards; referencing beards not only as an emblem of millennial youth, but also as a mark of religious faith and social status.
Strom references opulent Dutch still life paintings through a rich canvas of constructed scenes that act as symbolic reminders of transformation and impermanence.»
Through these various mythologies and references, the spider is also universally symbolic of the mother, the creator or builder, as well as the destroyer.
Other artists more glancingly reference the magazines, inspired by their symbolic value as iconic publications with an institutional history.
Norens for Derry reference traditional Japanese «noren» room dividers, which signal a passage from one type of architectural and symbolic space to another, and incorporate building materials associated with breathability and permeability, such as hydraulic lime and horse hair.
The use of fences is a symbolic reference to how fences keep people in and out, just as racial and gender identities can do the same socially.
El Anatsui, Sanford and Hank demonstrate symbolic bricolage by referencing their knowledge of culture, history, spirituality and their experiences as black men living and working within dominant society.
A reference to magic carpet narratives as well as the blankets that Illegal street vendors use to quickly pack and transport their wares to safety, Flying Carpets perfectly fulfills the show's curatorial desire to link the symbolic significance of pattern with its aesthetic tradition.
The community's culture is a frequent feature in the artist's installations as his pieces often resemble symbolic social and political references, and elements that celebrate diversity.
His work is characterized by the use of materials charged with historic and symbolic meaning, articulated in a language that references minimalism as well as pop art.
Dario Escobar's work is characterized by the use of materials charged with historic and symbolic meaning, articulated in a language that references minimalism as well as pop art.
Still has referred to this linear force, which assumes increasing importance in later paintings, as a «life - line,» the only symbolic reference he will volunteer about his work.
Giving that synesthesia is commonly referred as the ability to see sound, Banisadr manages to transfer the sound he hears using many details, symbolic references and a special blending of color.
But whereas in Dano the Court still refers to the «fundamental status» of Union citizenship and explicitly affirms Article 24 (2) as an exception to the fundamental principle of non-discrimination, Alimanovic confirms this symbolic reversal by skipping any reference to Union citizenship and straightly moving to residence conditions (paras. 49 — 51).
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