Sentences with phrase «symbolic value»

The phrase "symbolic value" refers to the meaning or significance that something holds beyond its practical or tangible qualities. It represents the deeper message or representation that we attach to certain things, often based on cultural, historical, or personal associations. Full definition
It also carries great symbolic value, calling attention to important work by artists that should be experienced by American audiences.
Though they have no legal value, they retain symbolic value that is tied to your brand and training organization.
Rather than employing traditional or found materials with symbolic value, the artists appropriate from diverse sources including industrial materials and commercial packaging like clear tape, hot glue, and plastics.
Every color has a specific symbolic value attached to it.
But if anyone would have appreciated the enormous symbolic value of having moderate Muslims create a space close to ground zero - as opposed to any other possible location in New York - with the aim of promoting inter-religious understanding, it was Pope John Paul II.
Out of public reach and inaccessible to the people of Runik, these objects hold great symbolic value for a nation missing parts of its shared frame of reference, but also point to the condition of contradictory claims from two countries that share material heritage.
I strongly believe that reforms to the Constitution to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and our rights will provide significant symbolic value as well as have a profound practical effect.
From front yard vegetable gardens to edible landscaping in parks to feed the homeless, there is huge symbolic value in transforming unproductive, sterile monoculture into a biodiverse resource for food production.
If they surpass the second, they can make a very good case for it and it will have tremendous symbolic value.
While the substance of the two - day gathering is not expected to stun seasoned observers of UN talks, Lavanja Rajamani from the Centre for Policy Studies in Delhi says it does hold symbolic value.
Over time, the pipeline took on symbolic value of epic proportions, elevated by environmentalist and energy advocates alike into a proxy battle for climate change.
Still, supporters say Obama's plan holds significant symbolic value.
Although the move itself is minimal, with the Fed saying in a statement that it would lift its benchmark rate by a quarter of a percent, to between 0.25 percent and 0.5 percent, it has a huge symbolic value.
If countries like Canada are looking to hit Trump where it hurts, they could target the manufacturing industry or agricultural exports — the kinds of products that hold enormous symbolic value for Trump's political base.
In these experiences, Byars not only reworked his role as an artist but also the mise en scène, giving symbolic value to rigorous objects and stressing the inherent beauty of materials, including fabric, stone and especially gold.
Nets Daily has more on a victory that has more symbolic value to Nets fans than most because it makes the unprotected first - round pick Brooklyn is sending to Boston juuuust a bit worse.
To this day, the bird carries symbolic value among tribes linked to those early Native Americans, and turkey feathers remain important in many ritual practices.
It was brilliantly delivered and genuinely impassioned, but it was also impressive for its clever symbolic value.
«They are impractical, old - fashioned, and of merely symbolic value,» he replies.
Did you intend for the peacocks to have a particular symbolic value in the novel?
The exhibition title Alchemy refers to a process in which symbolic values are refined and modified.
Hofmann's own writings bear witness to his sympathy with the Russian - born painter's ideas about using abstract means to make spiritual qualities visible, absent the specific symbolic values Kandinsky attached to colors, shapes, and the direction of lines.
The trees also possess symbolic value for Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
He created figurative paintings that drew on a vast iconographic repertoire, often inspired by everyday life, and abstract works with a powerful symbolic value, sometimes created by chance through reactions between paint and other products.
Laid bare is what the museum typically tries its hardest to conceal from us as viewers — its own hand in the production of aura and symbolic value around works of art.
In her video, photography and installation works, Ekström is interested in natural and artificial materials that embody strong symbolic values.
More importantly, the CPP is of immense symbolic value on the international stage, as the tangible expression of Obama's promises at the Paris climate talks.
Two years ago, Eileen Doktorski became enthralled with capturing the aesthetic and symbolic value of garbage.
In contrast, the upper echelons» diet was mainly focused on species that had great symbolic value for Maya, such as the powerful jaguars and crocodiles that roamed the Central American jungles.
Their [climate scientists] actions may have limited discernible influence in terms of «bending the curve» on emissions, but their efforts to «walk the talk» have tremendous symbolic value — Max Boykoff
Getting published in fashion magazines with the project on hacking fashion industry, as one which economy is based on symbolic value, commodity fetishism, generation of false needs and economy of perverted order, followed by perversion of advertising and other pecuniary aspects of culture.
As for the concept of pillars, I think it has symbolic value in communicating what the UN's building blocks and priorities are.
But again, if that is true, all appearances are that he has experienced an ephiphany, and the Pope's pronouncements in favor of the poor have great symbolic value.
The most obvious example of an event that has achieved significant symbolic value is the National Apology.
Taksim holds a symbolic value for Turkey's labor movement.
Wonder Woman's symbolic value has been equivocal from the character's inception, decades before she first made the cover of Ms. Magazine.
Although the deployment to Iwakuni is not a direct U.S. response to escalating tensions in the region as it represents a planned phase of the normal operational integration of the F - 35B force for the U.S. Marine, the deployment of the most advanced American aircraft to the region has also a symbolic value.
A casual reader flipping through the pages of Obsolete Objects might well drop the book immediately upon finding sentences like this, on cabinets and attics in Kafka's The Trial: «Their symbolic value, which I identified as exceptions to the worn - realistic, would suggest a sinister - terrifying superimposed on the desolate - disconnected, if only hallucinatory objectivity were not different from metaphorical subjectivity.»
But the exact content of their conversation is distinctly less important than the meeting's symbolic value.
The use of numbers in ancient religious texts was usually numerological rather than numerical; that is, their symbolic value was more important than their secular value as counters.
What was there, then, in the event of that memorable day to give it a symbolic value?
She required her private life and loved ones, her family and household, to carry a symbolic value, too, one so great, in fact, that they were crushed by it.
If someone says, «God says» then they don't really understand the symbolic value of the Bible.
For three milennia, Jerusalem has been the center of the Jewish faith, retaining its symbolic value throughout the generations.»

Phrases with «symbolic value»

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