Sentences with word «symbolical»

The word "symbolical" means something that represents or signifies something else, usually through the use of symbols or signs. Full definition
He has the king perform symbolical acts, and the remarkable thing is that the king obeys without demur: «Take a bow and arrows»; «Open the window eastward»; «Draw the bow.»
Jewelry Designers create pieces with symbolical meaning using various materials like gold, silver, platinum, precious stones, etc..
The scope of his genius included portraiture, landscape painting, mythological painting, realistic stories, symbolical representations, tragedy, comedy, satire, farce, men, gods, devils, witches, the seen and the unseen and as was the case with Shakespeare's extravagant genius - an occasional excursion into the obscene.
(Israel and the World, «The Faith of Judaism,» pp. 21 - 24, «The Two Foci of the Jewish Soul,» p. 31 f.; Eclipse of God, «God and the Spirit of Man,» p. 162; Hasidism, «Symbolical Existence in Judaism,» p. 141 f.)
The consolidation of the Eurozone's external representation is a comparatively minor step on the road towards a «genuine EMU»; nonetheless, it carries great symbolical significance.
It arises wherever we find ourselves asking to what reality symbolical descriptions refer The only case which allows of a perfectly simple answer is one in which a non-symbolical description can be alternatively supplied.
Those paintings are almost dried out depictions of gas chambers, clothes, body parts or in a more symbolical manner a portrait of Heinrich Himmler, leading member of Nazi party, or Albert Speer, architect of the Third Reich.
Every movement and even their clothes carry symbolical meaning.
The mystical, metaphysical, esoteric, and symbolical dimensions of our faith are too little known by many, and yet are the very things so many hunger for.»
Plato (c.428 - 348 BcE), for example, regarded the «inspired utterances of poets and prophets as, at best, symbolical adumbrations or shadows of truth and, at worse, the source of degrading superstitions».3 Fundamental to Plato's thought is the conviction that truth can not be found in everyday life and sensible reality, but in a more real or ideal realm of unchangeable or eternal forms, which are the blueprint and pattern of the world.
Except for some private sectors, women usually wear conservative cultural dresses to work on Mondays and men wear long sleeve shirts in pink (the king's favorite color) or in yellow (Thailand's symbolical color), as a respect to the Royals and probably the country.
If you observe the subtitle of the book, namely Symbolical Logo Roots, injustice comes from a very ancient human root founded on greed and dominance of people over other people.
Those social subjects give cause for the illustration of personal and symbolical fantasy, and more global, existential human tragedy and beauty.
As a matter of fact, each color possesses specific symbolical potential and transmits a certain message.
Portraying «The Weight» in both a visual and symbolical nature, this exhibition observes on the various interpretations of what weighs down on us, collectively speaking.
Speaking of historical references, still life genre has always been in a connection to various metaphysical concerns and symbolical meanings, but in the case of this artist maybe there's no need to search for hidden stories behind, but indulge to pure visual satisfaction and feast for the eyes.
As in most examples of allegorical or symbolical interpretation, the interpreter's views are first subtly read into the text and then adroitly extracted by a pretended exegesis.
(Tales of the Hasidim, The Early Masters, p. 3; Hasidism, «The Foundation Stone,» p. 59, «Spinoza,» p. 101 ff., «Symbolical and Sacramental Existence in Judaism,» pp. 117, 130.)
(Hasidism, «Symbolical and Sacramental Existence,» p. 144.)
(Hasidism, op.cit., «Symbolical and Sacramental Existense in Judaism,» p. 117 f.)
During the period of the Kings, the magnification of God into the Cosmic King made a symbolical allegiance to God seem satisfactory in the place of the allegiance in every sphere of life which is demanded by the Lord of history.
But the baptism is no magical performance, for it promises escape only to the seriously repentant; at the same time it is no merely symbolical act in the modern sense; it is rather a «sign» in the antique meaning of the word, which guarantees the mysterious union of the symbolical act, now occurring, with the future event which the symbolical act prophesies.
The Gospel of John describes several visits in the capital city, but it has chosen the scenes of action more for their symbolical significance than for their chronological sequence.
Traditionally this point has been made by reference to the «analogical» or «symbolical» character of «God - talk.»
We have come to see, as a matter of fact, that religious assertion by its very nature is inevitably couched in such metaphorical, symbolical, if you will poetical, language; and that all deep faith must express itself in this way if it is to express itself at all.
Such language is therefore neither symbolical nor pictorial, though it is certainly analogical (On the subject of analogy cp.
In the first place, we must reply that if such language is - to have any meaning at all it must denote an act in a real, objective sense, and not just a symbolical or pictorial expression.
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