Sentences with phrase «symptoms management rather»

Many healthcare providers provide symptom management rather than treating the main problem.

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Hospice services focus on palliative rather than curative care and include medical services, symptom management, spiritual counseling, social services and bereavement counseling delivered by an interdisciplinary team of professionals for patients with a prognosis of six months or less to live.
Being in more conventional settings, RD's are generally less able to provide ongoing support to patients, and their focus is more on disease - management and the elimination of symptoms rather than achieving a higher level of thriving in life.
A low FODMAP diet is an elimination diet designed for GI symptom management, rather than something that's globally healthier for everyone.
Rather than focus on symptom management, an integrative veterinarian will focus on whole health.
A workup should be performed sooner rather than later, so that management can be started before the heart changes irreversibly and symptoms develop.
The primary care physicians of patients in the CBT group were asked to follow the following rules: (1) make improved coping with somatic symptoms rather than symptom elimination the goal of medical management; (2) schedule regular appointments; (3) provide only limited reassurance; (4) explain symptom amplification to the patient, and (5) be conservative in medical diagnosis and treatment.
By specializing in treating the root cause of symptoms rather than symptom management, Tricia has helped individuals conquer their demons and find their joy.
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