Sentences with phrase «symptoms presentation»

Your unique symptom presentation and hormone analysis will help guide our treatment recommendations.
Somatic symptom presentations in women with fibromyalgia are differentially associated with elevated depression and anxiety.
«We now better understand that there are several concussion symptom presentations that don't even necessarily involve headaches, but can be just as debilitating,» Dr. Genin says.
However, if doctors depend simply on symptom presentation to diagnose, without any testing, the tendency is to over-prescribed antibiotics.
Dr. Sibley added that if the classic childhood definition of ADHD is used when diagnosing adults, many cases will be missed because symptom presentation changes in adulthood.
Systemic lupus erythematosus is a multisystem autoimmune disorder with very variable symptom presentation.
In the context of a safe, therapeutic relationship, therapists facilitate clients to explore painful difficulties and together they form a focus on problematic emotion processes that are seen as the source of various symptom presentations.
According to lead author Masahiro Esato, MD, PhD, of the Department of Arrhythmia, Ijinkai Takeda General Hospital, Japan, «Although asymptomatic AF is common in daily «real - world» clinical practice, the relationship between patient characteristics / clinical outcomes and symptom presentation has not been consistent across studies and therefore remains controversial.
Guided by innovative research and best practices, this book provides practical steps for creating a personalized treatment approach for each client that incorporates safety needs, symptoms presentation, etiology, cultural and spiritual background, and family factors.
Risk factors, symptom presentation, and mental health stigma associated with this population are discussed.
In addition, other personality disorder traits can be evident, which lends additional textures to the symptom presentation within the family.
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