Sentences with word «symtpoms»

A diet low in FODMAPs («a Low FODMAP Diet») is scientifically proven1, and is now recommended internationally, as the most effective dietary therapy to manage symtpoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Note that this is just a «screening test» - it checks for early possible symtpoms but doesn't measure whether you actually are geting schizophrenia.
Having POTs like symtpom after hot bath may be due to blood pooling, and that means the underlying autonomic nervous system may be in trouble.
Other symtpoms include hair loss (traumatic alopecia), usually due to your cat over grooming, miliary dermatitis (skin with collections of pronounced red bumps), eosinophilic plaques (well - defined, raised, ulcerated and extremely pruritic lesions that occur on the skin of cats, usually on the abdomen or hindlegs) and caling and shedding of the skin and usually accompanied by redness (exfoliative dermatitis).
I started taking a break from drinking it about five days ago and the symtpoms definitely returned.
My symtpoms are heat waves creeping over inside my brain and in my stomach, very severe anxiety attacks, so bad we didn't know what it was.
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