Sentences with phrase «synaptic plasticity in»

Neonatal isolation stress alters bidirectional long - term synaptic plasticity in amygdalo - hippocampal synapses in freely behaving adult rats
BDNF is vital for cognitive performance in the short - term and for promoting synaptic plasticity in the long - term.
«We found that nicotine and cocaine employ similar mechanisms to induce synaptic plasticity in dopamine neurons in VTA,» Mao said.
Researchers have for the first time observed direct evidence of synaptic plasticity in fruit flies while they learn...
Mao discovered that nicotine - induced synaptic plasticity in the VTA is dependent upon one of the drug's usual targets, a receptor for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine located on the dopamine neurons.
RGS14 is a natural suppressor of both synaptic plasticity in CA2 neurons and hippocampal - based learning and memory.
Objective: To understand the dynamics and functional roles of synaptic plasticity in mnemonic phenomena to shed new light on the cellular bases of learning.
Water maze learning and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in streptozotocin - diabetic rats: effects of insulin treatment.
Distinct role of long 3» UTR BDNF mRNA in spine morphology and synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons.
Place learning and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in streptozotocin - induced diabetic rats.
Drug - evoked synaptic plasticity in addiction: from molecular changes to circuit remodeling.
He is one of the world's leading researchers on synaptic plasticity in the brain and has pioneered new optical methods of observing the structural changes in the living brain as it adapts to its environment.
Endocannabinoids differentially modulate synaptic plasticity in rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.
Detailed biochemical and sophisticated imaging experiments are employed to delineate the molecular signaling cascades that couple receptors to the translational apparatus during long - lasting synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, amygdala, cortex, and striatum, and whether these types of translational control are required for memory formation, social behaviors, and behavioral flexibility.
«Our approach to use a combination treatment of DHCA and Mal - gluc to simultaneously inhibit peripheral inflammation and modulate synaptic plasticity in the brain works synergistically to optimize resilience against chronic stress - induced depression - like phenotypes,» said Dr. Pasinetti.
«Our research shows that combination treatment with the two compounds can promote resilience against stress - mediated depression - like phenotypes by modulating systemic inflammatory responses and brain synaptic plasticity in a mouse model of depression,» says Jun Wang, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology and first author on the paper.
«My lab works on the neural bases of learning and memory,» says Pozzo - Miller, «so we decided to test if LM22A - 4 was able to improve spatial discrimination deficits by enhancing synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, the brain region responsible for spatial learning and memory.»
Mice in booze camp In the new study, performed on adolescent male mice, ethanol alcohol exposure seemed to enhance synaptic plasticity in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), a part of the brain that plays a critical role in the reward pathway.
Modulation of an NCAM - related adhesion molecule with long - term synaptic plasticity in Aplysia
Using data gathered from the sessions, Grassi's team discovered increased synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, a region of the brain critical to memory processing and storage.

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Synaptic plasticity, the ability of neurons to alter the strength of their synaptic connections with activity and experience, is thought to play a critical role in memory Synaptic plasticity, the ability of neurons to alter the strength of their synaptic connections with activity and experience, is thought to play a critical role in memory synaptic connections with activity and experience, is thought to play a critical role in memory storage.
Current projects include modeling the biophysical mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity and learning in dendritic trees, the dynamics of neuronal networks in the outer plexiform layer of the retina, and modeling the integration of multiple synaptic inputs in muscle fiber.
This finding is in accordance with earlier animal model studies, which have shown that physical activity increases the amount of growth factors in the brain and improves synaptic plasticity.
They used a somewhat bizarre technique in which two mice were sutured together in such as way that they shared a circulatory system (known as parabiosis), and found old mice joined to their youthful counterparts showed changes in gene activity in a brain region called the hippocampus as well as increased neural connections and enhanced «synaptic plasticity» — a mechanism believed to underlie learning and memory in which the strength of neural connections change in response to experience.
Dr. Stuart Hameroff, lead author on the new TUS study, said: «This suggests TUS may stimulate natural megahertz resonances in brain microtubules, enhancing not only mood and conscious mental states, but perhaps also microtubule functions in synaptic plasticity, nerve growth and repair.
A study based on the research, «Habituation based synaptic plasticity and organismic learning in a quantum perovskite,» appeared in the August 14 online issue of Nature Communications.
Damage in the glutamate pathway, which regulates synaptic plasticity, has been linked to disturbances in goal - directed behavior and habit formation.
Differences and details A 2005 study of ethanol exposure in mice did not find enhancement of synaptic plasticity.
In fact, compared with ethanol, which enhances synaptic plasticity only after long - term use, «stress can do the same job more rapidly,» Morikawa says.
In this study, the authors were able to show that TGF β1 triggers N - methyl - D - aspartate receptor (NMDA), a molecule controlling memory formation and maintenance through synaptic plasticity.
For instance, every time we learn something, the new information is transformed into memory through synaptic plasticity, a process in which synapses are strengthened and become more responsive to different stimuli or environmental cues.
This opposing regulation of synaptic plasticity supports optimal information processing and storage and highlights the unique role this region plays in learning processes and memory formation.
Moser demonstrated a number of changes in the strength of connections between nerve cells — a phenomenon called synaptic plasticityin the hippocampus as rats stored information in their long - term memory.
Previous studies have shown for different brain regions that the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlu5 receptor) plays a crucial role in this long - term form of synaptic plasticity.
«Based on these findings, it was particularly interesting to find out if and to what extent the mGlu5 receptor affects synaptic plasticity and, consequently, memory formation in the CA3 region,» explains Hagena.
In this publication, under the title of «Membrane - Derived Phospholipids Control Synaptic Neurotransmission and Plasticity», the Cadiz scientists have reflected the work of years that has led them to identify a molecule, Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), as a possible element implicated in the link between the metabolic state of an organism and its cerebral functioIn this publication, under the title of «Membrane - Derived Phospholipids Control Synaptic Neurotransmission and Plasticity», the Cadiz scientists have reflected the work of years that has led them to identify a molecule, Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), as a possible element implicated in the link between the metabolic state of an organism and its cerebral functioin the link between the metabolic state of an organism and its cerebral function.
Markram was one of the first to investigate the sequential version of Hebb's rule in a systematic way, by varying the time delay between the spiking of the two neurons when inducing synaptic plasticity.
This phenomenon, known as synaptic plasticity, was demonstrated by the researchers in their own device.
Rather, DA plays complementary roles in these two types of MSN to ensure that synaptic plasticity is bidirectional and Hebbian.
Maternal alcohol consumption prior to and during pregnancy significantly affects cognitive functions in offspring, which may be related to changes in cyclin - dependent kinase 5 because it is associated with modulation of synaptic plasticity and impaired learning and memory.
Because these receptors are restricted to two distinct MSN populations, this postulate demands that synaptic plasticity be unidirectional in each cell type.
«It's predominant in the striatum and specifically affects synaptic plasticity induced by dopamine signaling.
«Our results suggest that the location of the translational hotspot is a regulator of the simultaneous translation of multiple messenger RNAs in nerve cell dendrites and therefore synaptic plasticity,» says Sul.
This is the crucial chicken - or - egg puzzle of synaptic plasticity that a team led by Anthony Holtmaat, professor in the Department of Basic Neurosciences in the Faculty of Medicine at UNIGE, is aiming to solve.
Moreover, in conjunction with these results, they found decreased protein synthesis, known to be required for long - term potentiation — a form of long - lasting synaptic plasticity — and for long - term memory.
NMDA receptors are known to be involved in weakening or strengthening synapses in neural connections, changes that are called synaptic plasticity, and in memory formation.
Since morphology changes of synapses underlie synaptic plasticity and our learning and memory, this will provide us with many new insights into mechanisms of how neurons store information in their morphology, how it changes synaptic strength and ultimately how it creates new memory.
Mal - gluc modulates histone acetylation of the Rac1 gene and allows transcription activators to access the DNA for increased transcription in the brain, which influences the expression of genes responsible for synaptic plasticity.
Specifically, researchers found that DHCA and Mal - gluc can promote resilience in mouse models of depression by modulating inflammation and synaptic plasticity, respectively.
A Gain - of - Function Mutation in the α9 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Alters Medial Olivocochlear Efferent Short - Term Synaptic Plasticity
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