Sentences with word «syncretist»

You're running into the problem that syncretists always do — both of the «syncretized» belief systems include a purist tradition that objects to polluting their Truth with anything from any other source.
Christians living in an inevitably pluralist society have an obligation to acquaint themselves seriously, without giving in to syncretist tendencies — another symptom of the fragmentation of our time — with the presence of the Spirit in other faiths.
Chamula is well - known for its church with strong syncretist elements, and in Zinacantan you can visit a Mayan family and learn about their textile traditions and sample some of the local food.
All were syncretists looking East for both artistic and spiritual inspiration.
She has therefore emerged on the New York scene as a full - blown master, a true syncretist who fuses every movement of the past fifty years — from Arte Povera to Minimalism to Scatter Art to the latest junk aesthetic — into a variegated practice emphatically her own.
By 1940, however, it was public knowledge that Hitler had abandoned advocating for Germans even the syncretist idea of a positive Christianity.
No one calls himself or herself a syncretist
My three postmodern questioners among the students at Charles University» the fundamentalist, the syncretist, and the deconstructionist» each in his own way represents a portion of post-Communist Czech society.
Irony: Krishnamacharya himself was a syncretist, a bricoleur — sewing together a tapestry of Vedic, Tantric, and Hatha influences, collecting techniques from Lanka to the Himalayas.
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