Sentences with word «syncretistic»

This leads us back to the «moderate» assertion that the service was not syncretistic because the clerics gathered to express moral, not theological, agreement.
Some of these details are innocent and rooted in tradition; others are significant aberrations to the Christmas story, making December 25 one of the most syncretistic events on the Christian calendar.
In a meeting during apec with Malcolm Turnbull, the new prime minister of Australia, Obama described how he has watched Indonesia gradually move from a relaxed, syncretistic Islam to a more fundamentalist, unforgiving interpretation; large numbers of Indonesian women, he observed, have now adopted the hijab, the Muslim head covering.
I have at times employed the ideas and terminology of these and other scholars to whom I am indebted in a flexible and syncretistic fashion.
What we have in Paul is a further, and very distinctive, development of the primitive Christology, partly on the basis of pre-Christian Jewish and even syncretistic — that is, partly pagan — speculations (Paul's contact with the pagan world of his time is recognized in most modern studies; indeed, it is sometimes exaggerated.
This isn't to say that the five world views blended together to become one syncretistic stew called Haywardism.
Christianity, as it is most often practiced today in the west, is a highly syncretistic brand of Christianity.
Nicaraguan Protestants exhibited similarly high levels (35 %), but only 24 percent of Guatemalan Protestants are similarly syncretistic.
At Bortolami, Jutta Koether's «The Fifth Season,» which for a few weeks overlapped with The Seasons, her installation of four paintings at the Whitney Biennial, leaps straight over the substance of its French classical and Roman - syncretistic references into a sci - fi - inflected version of the once - and - future, actually pagan past.
This Christian universalism was not syncretistic.
Further, Honduran Protestants are among Latin America's most syncretistic, with 42 percent exhibiting medium to high engagement with indigenous beliefs and practices (a figure that's higher than Catholics in most Latin American countries).
A variety of historical shifts in art, education, and politics have precipitated a loss of cultural power for the Church in the West, so we have to study how our culture rejects orthodox belief for a syncretistic mixture of Christianity and either capitalistic nationalism or pseudoscientific progressivism.
As often happens, this religion has formed a syncretistic bond with a strong rival, in order to destroy the enemy from within.
Are we saying that the Christianity we grew up with is actually a syncretistic religion, containing elements of not only ancient Christianity, but also of Roman pagan worship, complete with temples (buildings) and paid employees (priests and others)?
Smith and Denton regard this «recognizable religion» as a middle way between organizational religion (that of churches, denominations and seminaries) and individual religion (which is idiosyncratic, eclectic, syncretistic).
All of these world views and the syncretistic Christian combination of them had long been peppered with pithy slogans, golden rules, words of wisdom, etc., which range from Socrates» Know thyself to Christ's If you lose the world, you gain it and on to Nothing in excess and Treat every human as an end in itself.
The abstention is strategic, not syncretistic, he says.
Many of these movements may strike us as bizarre, syncretistic, and dubiously Christian.
Beck sometimes depicts Adam as an otherworldly savior rather than a flesh - and - blood kid, and her syncretistic Mormon / New Age theology is eccentric, to say the least.
It would be wrong, however, to regard these analogies as justifying a syncretistic relativism that entitles each person to compose his or her own religious collage.
In the syncretistic way in which people today put together their own religious belief and life - style packages in ways that meet their individual needs, the mass media in their characteristic uses and contents are becoming a significant component of those belief systems.
But in the syncretistic way in which people today put together their own religious belief and life - style packages in ways that meet their individual needs, the mass media in their characteristic uses and contents are becoming a significant component of those belief systems.
Or that Galilee must have been more mixed and syncretistic, and therefore Jesus was not a typical Jew.
I see the same dynamic at work in Charlie Self's call for a faithful and activist «renewal» over against a reactionary «retrenchment» or a syncretistic «revision.»
We could scoff at some of the syncretistic religions around the world... where voodoo blends with Catholicism, or animalism with Christianity.
But what person isn't syncretistic?
They borrowed extensively from one another, for the general temper of the age was syncretistic; in the search for truth the assumption was that no one religion or philosophy had all the truth but hopefully each had some of it.
This unity and this fellowship are as little a syncretistic mixing of religion as is a conversion from one system of religion to another.
We could scoff at some of the syncretistic religions around the world... where voodoo blends with Catholicism,...
The curious thing about I John is that it comes from an age when the first instinct of the pastor is no longer to go out and to win the world, but rather to withdraw from the world, lest the infection of the world should so taint the Church that Christianity should become simply another syncretistic faith and not the unique and only word of God.
Cult of tradition is listed as feature # 1; specifically a syncretistic cult of tradition, one that combines different forms of believe, even tolerating contradictions.
The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.
It's some new shit, grounded in everything that's come to us from the preceding century; cinema, television, epistolary exchange, algorithmic processors, jazz's (and other ill suns like cubism, rock»n roll, or more recently, hip hop and techno, all instantiations of black aesthetics), it's a permutational, topological, syncretistic, re-indexicalisation of normative arrays, (hegemony / order).
Wiccans are practitioners of Wicca, «a syncretistic reconstruction of naturebased witchcraft religion rendered public by Gerald B Gardner in England in the 1950s.»
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