Sentences with phrase «syndrome which»

However, with all its limitation, we must try to overcome the apartment syndrome which is limited and fixed area to have a decent apartment life.
The child did not exhibit any parental alien - ation syndrome which is sometimes seen with children who are shunted between separated parents in divorce situations.»
I am attempting to introduce regularized and normalized access in a more gradual way in order to overcome what may be parental alienation syndrome which has been developing over the past while.»
[FN33] The problem starts with the description of ongoing or episodic male battering as the category that «most closely resembles the battering spouse / battered wife syndrome which has been well described in the literature.»
I promise to be more careful going forward, but you should know that I suffer from fat finger syndrome which can lead to an occasional error when myself and a keyboard meet.
Bringing a separate appeal, Mr Grieves sought damages for the psychiatric illness and irritable bowel syndrome which he suffered as a result of his diagnosis.
Her symptoms persisted and unfortunately developed into a chronic pain syndrome which had a poor prognosis.
The Plaintiff developed a mild but persistent Thoracic Outlet Syndrome which remained symptomatic at the time of trial.
Because so many doses of the influenza vaccination are given, I have represented numerous victims of Guillain - Barré Syndrome which is associated with receipt of the influenza vaccine.
Failure to diagnose and treat Compartment Syndrome which ended the sporting career of a promising rugby player
Another pitfall is the De Kooning syndrome which led to the «10th Street» variant of abstract expressionism, taken by Michael Goldberg, Alfred Leslie (before he went figurative — a pioneer of the strategies adopted by Julian Scnabel), and Nicholas Carone, (and Robert De Niro's father).
I played Impact and although I did not play any of the Alien Breed games before that, I have to say that this game reminds of Sega's Arcade Classic, Alien Syndrome which is definitely refreshing in this day and age.
Supplement feeding is required for a puppy in this case to avoid fading puppy syndrome which will result in dehydration and death.
However, they sometimes suffer from Rage Syndrome which makes a healthy diet important for maintaining their mood.
Ciliary dyskinesis - This is a syndrome which has been reported in the Chinese Shar - Pei in which the cilia (microscopic hair - like projections on the epithelial cells which line the upper airways) are malformed or nonexistent.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is another syndrome which often accompanies SIRS and results in the in a bleeding tendency due to consumption of platelets and clotting factors.
Although not necessarily genetic, some English Springers have been known to display neurological / behavioral problems known as Rage Syndrome which can result in an aggressive behavior.
He was suffering from feline fragile skin syndrome which was most likely a sign of disseminated lymphoma.
Otherwise, these terriers will develop the Small Dog Syndrome which is expressed through various behavior problems.
«Feline urinary syndrome which is now known as feline urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is a condition that involves inflammation of the bladder.
It is similar to the human condition Chiari malformation (some vets refer to it as Arnold Chiari syndrome which can be confusing as the original description by Arnold was of syringomyelia associated with spina bifida and this is not the case in the CKCS).
Otherwise, Tibbies will develop Small Dog Syndrome which would be manifested by the pets» tendency to become stubborn and dog aggressive.
I have a 7 year old Shih - Tzh who was recently diagnosed with Fanconi Syndrome which was caused from eating the waggontails chicken jerky treats from Wal - Mart.
Cat flu is a syndrome which can be caused by both feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus.
Hi everyone, I'm TJ Martin and I have a form of Tourettes syndrome which means I can not stop myself talking utter bo!!
Jonah has a genetic mutation called Fragile X Syndrome which can cause a constellation of impairments, particularly in males (who, unlike females, don't have a compensatory backup X chromosome.)
Fletcher is a narcissist who mines other people's talents and vulnerabilities to create the Stockholm Syndrome which cements his fiefdom.
Brady teen sister Lilly (Lilly Jandreau) has Aspberger's syndrome which does not hurt her affection for Brady, and Brady's best friend Lane (Lane Scott) is another casualty of the rodeo circuit, having been paralyzed, using a shaky hand to spell words as he can not speak.
Some expats talk about the lazy Vietnamese husband syndrome which is basically the idea that Vietnamese husbands are lazy because their wives always take care of them.
This isn't some crazy Berkeley woo - woo idea — corporations such as Hewlett Packard and Motorola use HeartMath for helping employees rebalance mentally and emotionally and to prevent metabolic syndrome which is a condition linked to «diabesity.»
This insulin resistance then requires the pancreas to secrete more and more insulin to overcome this resistance which leads to higher and higher insulin levels which leads to more and more deposition of fat into fat cells resulting in obesity as well as metabolic syndrome which entails diabetes, hypertension, and vascular disease, ie heart disease and strokes.
After admitting he doesn't know anything about leaky gut (permeable bowel syndrome which is recognized as a legit medical condition by the AMA), I love it when he says:
There is a condition called Habba syndrome which presents with IBS - D like symptoms.
It is well established that wheat and other grains are responsible for permeable bowel syndrome which can lead to autoimmune disorders such as eczema.
More and more doctors are starting to recognize that the related conditions of the metabolic syndrome which are all closely related to obesity are treatable, not druggable conditions.
After extensive medical testing, I have been diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome which requires adherance to a strict low histamine / tyramine and possibly salicylate diet.
These proteins can cause Leaky Gut Syndrome which leads to inflammation of the thyroid and effect its function.
These proteins can cause Leaky Gut Syndrome which leads to inflammation.
In very few circumstances, «some people may be diagnosed with a genetic condition referred to as wrinkled skin syndrome which is characterized by the wrinkled skin on the soles of your feet and palm of your hand.»
Hi JC, The general issue of the role of different fatty acids in lipotoxicity deserves a blog post or series, but my general position is that the thing to do is to cure the metabolic syndrome which gives rise to lipotoxicity, and you do that with a low PUFA diet.
Many people will have no issue through life with gluten until they develop a condition known as Leaky Gut Syndrome which can occur after antibiotics or other similar event which causes a major stress to the digestive, immune and nervous system.
About 10 - 15 % of people who withdraw will develop a protracted withdrawal syndrome which can potentially persist for many years (there are anecdotal reports of it persisting up to five, seven, and even ten years post-cessation.).
One example of this is «the allergic triad», a well - documented syndrome which includes allergies, asthma, and eczema.
In medicine we have «diagnoses» like Irritable Bowel Syndrome which reflect an inability to pinpoint an exact cause.
I am also suffering from fatigue syndrome which really hit me bad in the last week.
I was diagnosed with klinefelter syndrome which has affected my testosterone.
This is what leads to the «yo - yo» syndrome which basically means fluctuating body weight in a small amount of time.
Sugar always leads to ants - in - the - pants syndrome which makes it really hard for them to sit still in their small uncomfortable seat.
Many people worry about their child being born with Down syndrome which is understandable as the condition can come with health concerns but at the end of the day that beautiful baby - no matter what - will be yours and just as cute and funny as they would have been without the condition.
This can cause something called Blue Baby syndrome which can lead to death.
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