Sentences with phrase «synergistic processing»

Like, I know some devs really didn't like the SPUs [synergistic processing units, the hardware architecture of the PS3], but we have a tech team that spent eight years really perfecting that thing.
A: «Managing the total air flow around the car was a very synergistic process.
A conceptual model is presented where, through a number of synergistic processes and positive feedbacks, changes in the ultraviolet / blue flux alter the dimethyl sulphide flux to the atmosphere, and in turn the number of cloud condensation nuclei, cloud albedo, and thus sea surface temperature.

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The entrepreneurial value creation process and the synergistic interaction between entrepreneurs, investors and financial partners is complex and challenging to describe.
Greaney and colleagues also found that the entire process is quite subtle, so a synergistic combination of angle, flexibility, and extensibility of the hairs exists that results in incredibly robust and tough adhesion — but still allow geckos to unstick without expending energy.
Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics fermentation process achieves this by using centuries old wisdom that centers on nature's own synergistic properties.
Dakota Biotech scientists have developed a proprietary technology, which perfects the delicate process of infusing products with probiotics that remain potent and active over time, is synergistic blend of components, augmented by supportive, authentic ingredients, offers an exceptionally effective deliver system unrivaled in the industry.
The extraction process is natural and free from chemical solvents, preserving all of the leaf's active and synergistic constituents.
It's synergistic, it's an entire team process that's a makeup of your cabinet, your management, teachers, even parents and students,» explained Tefs.
More complex hydrocarbons are degraded through the synergistic activity of other bacteria that may utilize by products (such as hydrogen) of the methanogenic process.
Each one of the technologies presented improves the process by a number of degrees, but it's the synergistic benefit, that starts to make an obvious and incredible difference to what was traditionally a very labor intensive and manual process.
As a multi-state firm that serves a wide array of clients, we know that a synergistic decision - making process plays a crucial role in first understanding a problem and then achieving the best solution to that problem.
HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS Synergistic Solutions * SIX SIGMA Certification * Lean Management Initiatives * Process Analysis Proven Leadership Skills * Regulatory Compliance * Budgetary Oversight * Relationship Builder Strong Team Builder * Customer Service First * Successful Business Owner * On - Time Service Operations Excellence * Inventory / Shrink Controls * Expense Reduction * Profit Enhancement Effective, Creative Commu...
In general our approach is synergistic, educational and cooperative, with the client treated as a peer and colleague in the healing process.
Using a school - based sample of 521 adolescents, we tested additive and synergistic influences of changes in depressive symptoms and conduct problems from 6th to 9th grade using parallel process growth curve modeling with latent interactions in the prediction of late adolescent (12th grade) substance use impairment, while examining gender as a moderator.
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