Sentences with phrase «synthetic oxytocin»

The production of synthetic oxytocin will probably be very profitable for some company or other, but who knows, there may be volunteers for the real thing.
This is used in conjunction with IV fluids and often with synthetic oxytocin.
Just like the ice cream in the shark attack example, the need for synthetic oxytocin use may simply be a marker for those with already low levels or low levels of receptors.
I avoided some but when I wasn't progressing as per the stupid bloody chart they have, my labour was artificially augmented with synthetic oxytocin.
Association of peripartum synthetic oxytocin administration and depressive and anxiety disorders within the first postpartum year.
The study appeared in the journal Depression and Anxiety and noted an association between synthetic oxytocin (US brand name: Pitocin) and postpartum mood disorders.
6.2.3 Synthetic Oxytocin in labor for induction, augmentation, and postpartum care: possible impacts on prolactin
While the explanation is unknown, one theory is that perhaps the women who needed synthetic oxytocin during labor weren't making enough on their own — and that could be why they are more prone to depression after childbirth.
Reduced risk of certain interventions such as the use of synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin), forceps and vacuum extraction
Women who choose not to breastfeed must be given synthetic oxytocin to insure against hemorrhaging.
Ditzen and colleagues designed a study using couples and found that those treated with synthetic oxytocin had far lower stress levels.
One study discovered that even a high dose of synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) is unable to trigger labor until a woman is at term (Kimura et al 1996).
A new study in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Gynaecology confirms what many who have undergone a hospital birth already know: the use of the labor - inducing drug pitocin (synthetic oxytocin) leads to great pain and suffering, including serious adverse, unintended health effects to both mother and infant.
A new study in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Gynaecology confirms what many who have undergone a hospital birth already know: the use of the labor - inducing drug Pitocin (synthetic oxytocin) leads to great pain and suffering, including serious unintended and adverse health effects to both mother and infant.
Until recently, a Cochrane review on «Active versus expectant management in the third stage of labour» suggested that administration of synthetic oxytocin (Syntocinon ® or Syntometrine ®) is preferred to expectant management — or simply allowing the placenta time to peel away from the uterine lining and to be expelled.
Her most recent work focuses on the developmental consequences of oxytocin, including perinatal exposure to synthetic oxytocin, and the protective role of this peptide in the regulation of behavioral and autonomic reactivity to stressful experiences.
NOTE: Nipple stimulation can have very strong effects, similar to the overuse of Pitocin (synthetic oxytocin).
Even a high dose of synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) is unlikely to trigger labor until a woman is at term.6
When the baby remains in a posterior position (5.5 % of labors), the mother is more likely to experience a longer than average labor (both first and second stages); the use of synthetic oxytocin to augment (speed up) labor; epidural for pain relief and a cesarean surgery.
Sarah Buckley has asked and answered this question, and reveals the unintended consequences of numerous widespread practices, including scheduled birth — induced labor or planned cesarean; disturbance and excessive stress during labor; synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin); opioids and epidural analgesia for labor pain; early separation of mother from infant or wrapping the infant in a blanket to be held (i.e., no skin - to - skin contact); breastmilk substitutes, and many more.
Your caregiver may massage your uterus and give you synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) to help it contract.
However, interventions like use of synthetic oxytocin, antibiotics, C - section and formula feeding could be interfering with, or bypassing completely, the microbial transfer from the mother to baby.
What we are seeing over time is that through the diminished production of oxytocin in the birth process (the use of synthetic oxytocin, i.e. Pitocin is named the key culprit, though scheduled cesarean births and pseudo-natural birth environments are also big contributors), we are evolutionarily losing our ability to produce it.
However, with interventions like use of synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin / Syntocinon), antibiotics, C - section and formula feeding, this microbial transfer from the mother to baby is interfered with or bypassed completely.
«Natural» also meant I wanted an unmedicated birth, ideally avoiding unnecessary antibiotics, labor stimulants like Pitocin (a synthetic oxytocin) and even an epidural, which numbs the lower body and slows contractions, increasing rates of C - section.
Pitocin is synthetic oxytocin, the hormone that signals the uterus to begin contracting.
And there's a theory... that the Pitocin, which is synthetic oxytocin, which is given to women who are not naturally going into labor, it's meant to action speed labor up.
Pitocin being synthetic oxytocin may short circuit in some susceptible kids the natural production of oxytocin, therefore slowing down or turning off those areas in the brain that are normally being developed at that time, with regards to socialization.
And good news — it's been reported that a synthetic oxytocin medication may be in the works!
These studies are conducted with synthetic oxytocin.
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