Sentences with phrase «system against foreign invaders»

Your immune system is your body's natural defense system against foreign invaders like parasites, bacteria, viruses, microbes and toxins.

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An important area of research focus for NIAID is the immune system, the complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.
If a patient is injected with stem cells taken from a donated embryo, his or her immune system may see the cells as foreign invaders and launch an attack against them.
Overloaded and overstimulated, the immune system responds to normally harmless substances as if against a harmful foreign invader.
Normally, your immune system acts as a protector against foreign invaders (such as germs, bacteria and viruses), and its job is to attack these foreign invaders upon sight to keep us healthy.
In a nutshell, whether you're physically stressed, sick, or sleep deprived, your immune system becomes hyperactive, and starts producing white blood cells — your body's first line of defense against foreign invaders like infectious agents.
These could be from «normal» food, however, in a undigested / not - completely broken down form, your body thinks they are foreign invaders and attacks these molecules mounting an immune system response against them.
The Immune system is a complex network of biological structures that help protect the body against foreign invaders and disease.
The immune system, which is responsible for protecting the body against viruses, foreign invaders, and bacteria, goes viral.
A stronger gut lining keeps undigested food and environmental elements from leaking out into the bloodstream, so the immune system does not have to defend against these foreign «invaders
Recommended Herbs for Improving Immune Response IMM Formula Imm Formula contains both astragalus and echinacea, both adaptogens which stimulate your immune system to work better at defending it against foreign invaders and boosts your adrenal glands.
The above shows how this can help fight off kennel cough in dogs, because white blood cells are your canine's body immune system cells that are involved in fighting against infectious disease and foreign invaders (24).
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