Sentences with phrase «system allows»

«In contrast to RNA interference, which is commonly used to inactivate gene activity, the CRISPR - on system allows activation of cellular genes.
The system allows it: maternity leave of 6 months to a year with full salary.
A quad track roller system allows the leg press and hack squat machine to move smoothly.
If you want to make sure you're getting the right amount of water to all of your plants, this system allows you to adjust the amount of water according to plant type.
This double - action airbrush system allows you to adjust the intensity of the spray via the air pressure control knob or by pressing and releasing the trigger.
The easy to use system allows you to quickly make repairs to anything you need to.
The carrying system allows you to attach your bow or hunting rifle to the pack in a variety of ways, making sure your pack stays balanced and that your weapon is always in easy reach.
The interchangeable sole system allows you to combine and change your soles according to your activities.
The two wheel drive system allows for amazing traction and speed: We could easily push the STR to 45 miles per hour and more, which is absolutely amazing and makes it one of the fastest nitro RC cars we've reviewed.
Its built - in Bluetooth system allows you to communicate with other riders.
The low - speed masticating system allows the juice to maintain its color, flavor and more importantly, preserve its vitamins and minerals.
This home gym system allows you to perform 100 club - quality exercises for your whole body.
The strong motor and propulsion system allows the drone to safely carry DSLR cameras and other heavy equipment.
First of all, the MagTrax brake system allows for long - range, accurate casting.
The New York State Unified Court System allows for one postponement by phone to a date between two and six months away.
The TSA PreCheck system allows for a quicker screening process for some low - risk passengers who have passed its security - risk assessment.
New York's fusion voting system allows major - party candidates to appear on (and create) minor party lines, to identify with particular issues or simply have their name appear in multiple places.
But while New York's fusion voting system allows candidates who are registered Democrats to receive the ballot line from a party in which they are not enrolled, the party's officers still must be members of that party.
The current system allows major political parties to influence the delegate election, by grouping together a «slate» of candidates on the ballot.
«And for those people who you do have to incarcerate, to the extent the system allows, make it a rehabilitative mechanism.
In practice, the system allows voters to choose a person rather than a party (that's the personalization aspect) and this person effectively represents one district.
Under current arrangements NHIA members are required to renew their membership annually but the new system allows them to renew their membership for up to four years at a go.
The current restricted duties system allows a Force to make qualified assessments of individuals dependant on medical and other evidence as to whether they wish to retain the skills and expertise that an officer possesses without having to medically retire them.
Also known as «instant runoff,» the system allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference, a measure advocates argue helps voters better select a candidate that represents the majority of voters.
Elevator Access Control System is an innovative design to restrict user access to different floor to enhance the security and accessibility of the user.The system allows a user to access the elevator with multiple floor selection which can be assigned through the software.Once user presents the card, the lift system will permit access to the floor by activating the relay to the corresponding floor.The system works with different technologies which allow flexibility of access solution.This solution will give a peace of mind to prevent unnecessary access and uninvited intruders.It also allows you to track the history by generating various type of reporting.
While some countries on the continent have the «standard» mobile money interoperability system, which allows seamless transactions between customers of the various telecom service providers, Ghana's system allows transactions between telcos as well as banks, making financial services more accessible to the populace.
New York's unique «fusion voting» system allows minor parties to cross-endorse Democrats and Republicans, and lets voters cast their ballots for a politician on any one of a number of party lines.
«Well, the system allows that, if you're a lawyer especially.
Legislators often look to their own hobbies and personal interests when they decide who will win a grant, and the system allows it, as long as they don't profit from it.
The new system allows the DMV to centrally process the electronic registrations and forward the information to the local boards.
And MRCH guests argue that the opaqueness of the current system allows for corruption.
This system allows the local councilmember to take credit for whatever projects or programs the city funds within the district, and thus expand his or her political base and stave off challenges.
New York's mayoral control system allows the chancellor to operate without the politically cumbersome presence of an elected school board.
They also may know that this system allows the candidate coming in second to win the election, as occurred in 2000, and thus violates the democratic norm of equality in voting.
This system allows for a pure democracy which is great in ideal but falls apart for several reasons.
Inglesina's patented folding system allows you to open and close Trilogy City Stroller with just one hand, either with the seat facing you or the street (yes, no need to remove the stroller seat to fold this stroller).
Inglesina?s patented folding system allows you to open and close Trilogy with just one hand.
A quick fold system allows you to fold the stroller with one hand and the foam padded seats recline almost all the way which would allow your child to nap peacefully.
The universal joint system allows structures to connect diagonally and on different planes.
Its steam system allows you to preserve all the vitamins and minerals.
The Tiny Fit system allows the Pria 70 to remain upright while in a rear facing position.
The Click & Go system allows caregivers to pair the car seat with any Britax single stroller for a customized travel system.
The Britax integrated Click & Go Adaptor System allows for a quick connection with any Britax infant car seat or bassinet.
One - hand folding system allows the user to hold the child with one hand to use the other one for folding.
This reclining system allows the parent to set the stroller in a flat position.
Compact Fold and Storage The one - handed folding system allows you to easily collapse the stroller while holding your child.
The Jane Pro-Fix System allows you to attatch car seats or carrycots (sold separately) with just one click, without the need for additional adaptors.
The Pro-Fix system allows you to attach the theKoos to a Jane pram chassis in just one click.
The stroller's rear suspension system allows you to push this stroller with ease, while also creating a smooth ride for your children.
Their Click and Go system allows you to attach car seats without an adapter for easy transfer from car to stroller.
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