Sentences with phrase «system characteristics»

Also describes the community mental health system characteristics to be considered in developing early intervention practices.
A series of one - way valves along the lymph vessels gives the lymphatic system the characteristic appearance of a string of pearls, known in scientific circles as «monoliform» shape.
The various modes alter response of the engine, transmission, suspension, steering, ESP and all - wheel drive system characteristics.
The Drive - by - Wire throttle system provides more gradual response, and to save additional energy, the climate control's fan speeds are lowered incrementally and other climate control system characteristics are altered based on the conditions.
In Part I, we discuss WWS energy system characteristics, current and future energy demand, availability of WWS resources, numbers of WWS devices, and area and material requirements.
Adaptable, productive and smart enough to collaborate with key organizational personnel to identify unique system characteristics and map complex technical requirements and functionality to standard security controls, pol...
Research findings have corroborated the relationship between the functioning level of a child with ASD (including autism symptom severity, IQ, communication skills) and family system characteristics and parental satisfaction with family functioning [30,31].
But this means becoming part of the system characteristic of violence, which tries to justify itself.
Twenty one EU / EEA countries have developed or are in the process of developing systems to digitally record information about vaccination, according to a new «ECDC survey report on immunisation information systems implementation and system characteristics
[A] lthough RE Futures describes the system characteristics needed to accommodate high levels of renewable generation, it does not address the institutional, market, and regulatory changes that may be needed to facilitate such a transformation.
What does change is the system characteristic, which determines the instantaneous response to the input.
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