Sentences with phrase «system during fetal development»

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Ranging from the size of a freckle to that of a coaster, these bumps are created during fetal development when immature veins and capillaries break away from the circulatory system.
Using a mouse model of HSV - 1 as well as autopsied samples of human adult and fetal tissues, investigators from Dartmouth College's Geisel School of Medicine found that antibodies against HSV - 1 produced by adult women or female mice could travel to the nervous systems of their yet unborn babies, preventing the development and spread of infection during birth.
Late pregnancy is a particularly important period of fetal growth, as during this time the fetus experiences the greatest amount of physical growth, and the development of the central nervous, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems accelerates.
During fetal development, the nervous system is segregated into several regions of cells.
Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy has detrimental effects on fetal central nervous system development.
This link was only evident in blood samples taken at a time point reflecting exposure during early pregnancy when the fetal nervous system undergoes rapid development, not at birth.
A logical starting point was the eyes because the eyes are a part of the central nervous system and actually grow from the brain during fetal development.
[8] Increased exposure to environmental estrogens and other environmental pollutants during fetal development, as well as during the reproductive years, is suggested as a major reason for the tremendous rise in disorders of development and function of the male sexual system.
Both are created from identical tissue during fetal development — one part turns into your central nervous system while the other develops into your enteric nervous system.
During fetal development, one part turns into your central nervous system while the other develops into your enteric nervous system.
These two nervous systems go way back: They arose from the same tissues during fetal development.
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