Sentences with phrase «system effects»

I think the way to do consciousness - raising in the church about justice is to try to get people in touch with the way in which systems effect individual lives.
Despite the best of intentions, it suffers from severe system effects.
It is said that three minutes in a cold shower is equal to the magnetic, glandular, and nervous system effects of 31 minutes of meditation.
Together, ME - 3 and KP08 provide highly synergistic immune system effects — supporting both the health of immune system cells and their balanced activity.
Fairy tales of not, a belief system effects a persons decisions and actions.
Even though Secretary Anderson envisioned conversion and church membership in so - called spiritual terms, in India this goal necessitated a break with an entire social system effecting family, vocation, and physical well being through the threat of persecution.
In part this difference is due to a classic First Past The Post electoral system effect, but Labour managed to get 19 % of the seats on 20 % of the vote, and the LibDems got 14 % of the seats on 13 % of the vote among the BBC keywards.
CONTEXT Most of what we know about antipsychotic drug effects is at the receptor level, distal from the neural system effects that mediate their clinical efficacy.
Brain and nervous system effects range from mood disruption, such as depression, to behavioral outbursts in children with ADHD and autism, to triggering of hallucinations in people with schizophrenia and mania in people with bipolar illness.
Then the B&N technologists seem to have fallen prey to the second system effect and created a replacement for Pubit!
By providing solutions for the entire particle system effects pipeline, you save valuable production time and improve the quality of your video game graphics, thanks to the use of sophisticated, advanced particle effects.
It allows investors to choose the lowest cost options without the unforeseen system effects that endanger both the economy and the survival of the policy.
However, Graham believes the sensory changes are due to a combination of gut hormone and central nervous system effects.
Exposure to the nerve gas agents sarin and cyclosarin has been linked in several studies to changes in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that are associated with cognitive impairments — further supporting the nervous - system effects of those agents cited in the 2008 report.
Researchers suggest a link between high exposures to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and furans with reproductive and / or developmental disorders and immune system effects.
It is mostly an affliction of inexperienced engineers, or the second - system effect.
Previous studies have shown the health risks from galactic cosmic ray exposure to astronauts include cancer, central nervous system effects, cataracts, circulatory diseases and acute radiation syndromes.
However, chronic exposure to high levels of manganese by inhalation in humans may result in central nervous systems effects.
During sustained high - intensity sports lasting about an hour, small amounts of carbohydrate, including mouth - rinsing, enhance performance via central nervous system effects.
However, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, and central nervous system effects, dermatitis, erythema, and death have occasionally been observed in some infants, children and adults exposed to more than 84 mg boron / kg, corresponding to more than 40 grams of borax for 60 kg of body weight.
* These plants may cause more gastrointestinal irritation or upset (drooling, vomiting, and / or diarrhea) than others on the list but are not expected to cause severe poisoning (i.e. kidney, liver, or nervous system effects).
* These plants may cause more gastrointestinal irritation or upset (drooling, vomiting, and / or diarrhea) than others on the list but are not expected to cause systemic toxicity (i.e. kidney, liver, or nervous system effects).
Additionally primary responsibility for climate catastrophe falls on those who bear substantial responsibility by dint of economic positioning, scientific obfuscation, political patronage, political influence or political position as to the direction of our political - economic system, where that system effects our society's energy and land use and therefore climate impacts.
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