Sentences with phrase «system forming within»

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The company has developed a system named Reveal for identifying unusual behaviors within phone calls, emails and other forms of information in near - real - time.
We know that the market does these things because that is what it means for the market to clear, but the answers it provides will vary according to the institutions, including moral values, that form part of the system within which it operates.
His contention was that capitalism is not just an economic system but an order within which culture, politics, and economics form a triad of «political economy» that is one of the great achievements of humankind and is best exemplified in the American republican experiment.
It's a hidden system that disguises itself as «righteous», being a modern form of sacrificial violence that lurks within the dualistic world of religion.
The theory of societies, like modern general systems theory, pictures a world made up of societies within societies (systems within systems) That is, societies do not just line up side by side like mosaics — they form «nested hierarchies» that go from subatomic particles through cells to animal bodies, or through stars to galaxies.
Through this morphic resonance within a morphogenetic field the form of a past system can become present to a later similar system
He claimed to believe in Spinoza's god but then disavowed the label pantheist, quite possibly because he may simply not have known what it meant (it means nature, ie «all», AS god, and is not a form of polytheism, despite its similarity to the term «pantheon», which is the «stable» of gods within a single polytheistic system).
The conclusion I want to pull out of these considerations is this: if there is at least one actual entity in the world characterized by at least one eternal object, one specific form of definiteness, then this actual entity provides all the ontological ground required for the realm of eternal objects — an appeal to God is not necessary.11 And, indeed, in Whitehead, as in Aristotle, there is an eternity and an abeternity of becoming so that within the terms of the system it is inconceivable that there be any region of the extensive continuum, no matter how far it be extended fore or aft, where there is not a generation of actual entities exhibiting concrete forms of definiteness.
But the fact that the general line of analogy is valid and fruitful seems to me to be definitely proved by the very remarkable fact that these three systems, taken in conjunction, not only form a complementary and coherent whole, consistent within itself, but, which is even more easy of demonstration, that this whole is capable of breaking into motion and of working — that it functions, in a word.
The higher and the lower feelings, the useful and the erring impulses, begin by being a comparative chaos within us — they must end by forming a stable system of functions in right subordination.
The currents that give birth to sidereal systems; the folds and upthrusts that form mountains and continents; the ebb and flow within the biosphere — in each case what we had supposed to be the extreme of immobility and stability is discovered to be a state of fundamental and irresistible movement.
Using a system called «grids» and «groups», Sherwood explained the different forms of interaction within various cultures.
But this understanding can not be articulated within any specific form of knowledge or within any system.
The court heard from prosecutor Edward Lucas who said: «The weddings that form the subject of this case were neither conducted correctly or legally and their sole purpose was to facilitate an industrial - scale abuse of the system of immigration control within the UK.»
Also you need to pay attention to your Laifstamil., Within fifteen days from the three germ layers, will get sixteen Yktoderm, Andodm Mesodm and determine the development of the child's body, Similarly, in two to three weeks, making the baby's nervous system is formed Yktoderm Dwlp and remaining Yktoderm Integumantri from external systems such as skin, hair and nails are formed.
The development of the internal organs is going on, all parts of the body are growing, the head is still bigger than the other parts of the body (at this period it is normal), the nervous system is forming, and within 2 - 3 weeks the baby will be two times bigger than now.
This means coalitions have to be formed within the major parties prior to elections, as opposed to after the fact in parliamentary system.
The umbrella group formed to push for a system of public financing on a statewide level says some of its members are being shut out of a Senate Republican - backed hearing on abuses within the New York City system.
Some isotopes that existed when the Solar System formed are radioactive and have decay rates that caused them to become extinct within tens to hundreds of million years.
In 2014, Weiss» group analyzed other ancient meteorites that formed within the solar system's first 2 to 3 million years, and found evidence of a magnetic field that was about 10 - 100 times stronger — about 5 - 50 microtesla.
New measurements of meteorite ages suggest that the giant planet's core must have formed within the solar system's first million years.
These cells developed normally, and within two weeks had formed neural rosettes, clusters of cells that form the central nervous system.
In New Zealand, scientists are exploring why some faults are more prone to earthquakes than others by studying rocks extracted from deep within the wildly dynamic Alpine fault — the system that formed the mountains in the backdrop of The Lord of the Rings movies.
Within our solar system, the sun's wind of charged particles and radiation forms a bubble called the heliosphere, which repels cosmic rays that can affect Earth's weather, eat away at the ozone layer and damage DNA.
They suggested that the magnetar formed through the interactions of two very massive stars orbiting one another in a binary system so compact that it would fit within the orbit of the Earth around the Sun.
According to Holmes the Tetris effect occurs because the visuospatial work required to play the game places an additional burden on the perceptual systems within the brain and so interfere with this memory - forming process.
The very first solid grains formed within the solar system have been very precisely aged at 4,567 million years.
Random lasers use light - diffusing materialoften in the form of a fine powderto trap light within the system long enough for amplification to occur.
In their new paper, Pineda and colleagues report discovering the star system in the act of forming within the «stellar nursery» region of the constellation Perseus by following up on intriguing observations made by the Very Large Array (VLA), an astronomical radio observatory in Socorro, N.M., and the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope, in West Virginia.
The planetesimals, which eventually merged to form the rocky planets, were more planetlike than previously thought, with cores that must have formed and melted within just a few million years of the formation of the solar system, Weiss says.
Mary Whiteside, interim chair of Information Systems and Operations Management within UTA's College of Business, emphasized that this research forms an integral part of UTA's strategic focus on data - driven discovery within the Strategic Plan 2020: Bold Solutions Global Impact.
Professor Park Je - Geun, Associate Director of the Center for Correlated Electron Systems (CCES), within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), and colleagues have observed, quantified and created a new theoretical model of the coupling of two forms of collective atomic excitation, known as magnons and phonons in crystals of the antiferromagnet manganite (Y, Lu) MnO3, a mineral made of manganese oxide and rare - earth elements called yttrium (Y) and lutetium (Lu).
Growing the virus gave scientists an opportunity to observe virus replication in unprecedented detail, revealing bizarre systems such as sun - shaped virus replication centers where the viruses form within cells.
As with previous studies, the researchers found that the most probable way of creating a solar system with the same planet sizes and positions as seen today is to have Mars form within Earth's orbit and migrate outward.
The largest clumps of matter in the universe had an initial angular momentum — and these clumps broke up into ever smaller clumps, forming smaller clusters of galaxies, groups of galaxies, individual galaxies, solar systems within galaxies and ultimately, individual stars and planets.
Based on their modeling, he and his colleagues have found that such a system could charge and protect a plane within fractions of a second, but this will not be enough to protect against some forms of triggered lightning.
Other astronomers find the detections convincing, although most reserve the name «planet» for bodies that form within a planetary system and orbit stars, says theorist Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in Washington, D.C. «They should call them «planetary - mass brown dwarfs,»» Boss says.
The team found that Jupiter's core grew to about 20 Earth masses within 1 million years, followed by a more prolonged growth to 50 Earth masses until at least 3 - 4 million years after the solar system formed.
The team showed through isotope analyses of meteorites that Jupiter's solid core formed within only about 1 million years after the start of the solar system history, making it the oldest planet.
From these measurements, the researchers calculated the D - to - H ratio — a chemical fingerprint that provides clues about exactly where comets (or asteroids) formed within the cloud of material that surrounded the young sun in the early days of the solar system.
Researcher Arun Devaraj and his colleagues at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland use an atom probe tomography system, or APT, to create an «atomic map» of how the individual atoms within a titanium alloy are arranged, and then manipulated the arrangement to form a special nanostructure — resulting in the strongest titanium alloy available today.
Instead of forming within the same disk of matter like the sun and planets of our solar system, 2M1207b and 2M1207 may have formed as a result of the gravitational collapse of two different disks.
Ceres is located within the asteroid belt — scraps left behind after the solar system formed 4.5 billion years ago — between Mars and Jupiter.
With the 3 sub-stellar detections in our sample, we estimate the fraction of stars that host a planetary system formed by GI to be within 1.0 - 8.6 % (95 % CL).
This means that collections of molecules within these systems exist in either solid or liquid form with no in - between in the presence of latent heat, the energy that fuels a solid - to - fluid phase change.
According to recent research, the most common solid tumors (that is, cancer that occurs as clusters of cells in or on organs, rather than in liquid form within the blood or lymphatic system) have up to 66 mutations that influence how the cancer cells operate — how fast they divide, whether they are susceptible to the signals that would normally cause a cell to die, when they detach from the main tumor to colonize another organ in the body, when and where they attach blood vessels to healthy tissues.
-- to explore the Solar System beyond Mars to understand how giant planets and their moons form and evolve, to search for habitable environments on and within moons (like Enceladus, Europa and Titan), and to examine the farthest bodies in the solar system for clues to the early history of the solar sSystem beyond Mars to understand how giant planets and their moons form and evolve, to search for habitable environments on and within moons (like Enceladus, Europa and Titan), and to examine the farthest bodies in the solar system for clues to the early history of the solar ssystem for clues to the early history of the solar systemsystem.
In Parkinson's disease, α - synuclein, a normal protein present within the nervous system, forms toxic clumps that damage and ultimately destroy the neurons in which they form.
LOS ALAMOS, N.M., Jan. 31, 2018 — Using a simple analytical framework for random events within a predictable system, computational biologists have found a new way to accurately model certain forms of gene expression, including the body's 24 - hour internal clock.
MAUNAKEA, Hawaii — A team of astronomers discovered a Jupiter - like planet within a young system that could serve as a decoder ring for understanding how planets formed around our sun.
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