Sentences with phrase «system in a file cabinet»

You can set up a monthly folder system in a file cabinet.

Not exact matches

There was no apparent filing system, and papers were just piled up in cupboards and filing cabinets.
Developed Maine's first statewide school accountability system (A-F school grades) to ensure transparency in school performance for families and students; joining other states and cities around the country who offer these grades on schools — grades that are based on information Maine already collected but that had been sitting in file cabinets at the Department of Education.
Steel, wood, mirror, four hangers, sweater, towel, soap container, calendar, filing cabinet, pencils, two notepads, folding seat, folding bed, four glass jars, two ceramics cups, two glasses, two ceramic bowls, digital clock, electric lighting system, hot plate, pot, and toaster oven, (open): 62 3/8 × 131 1/8 × 76 1/8 in.
A paper record is not affected by its file drawer or by all of the file drawers and cabinets in its paper records system.
However, all too often, contracts and case documents are stored in physical filing cabinets or maintained by an ineffective digital filing system that only one or two people in the office understand.
If direct marketing lists are being passed around, if you know a company with a penchant for leaving filing cabinets unlocked, or if the personnel filing system in your company wholly inadequate - you could protect people by taking action early.
Is David Gelernter right when he challenges us (in his manifesto) to stop using old metaphors such as the «filing cabinet» in the new computer medium (after all these new systems have affordances not possessed by those we are replacing)?
A piece of paper is not affected by its file drawer, or by all of the file cabinets in a paper records system.
To use the system, sales associates convert their hard - copy documents into digital files by scanning them and then file them in online filing cabinets they've set up.
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